This Spring Boot Application generates UML component diagrams from Excel Sheets. The purpose is to get proper architectural description of an application landscape with minimal effort.
All applications and dependencies have to be stored in a table with a fixed column format. All cells have to be text format.
Based on URL parameters you can define what you will see in the UML diagram. This is important in the case you have hundreds of applications.
- filter - select the applications you like to see
- file - load an alternative file, the default value is data.xlsx
- package - filter by component name
- showLinks - the default value is false
- showComplex - the default value is true
- strict - show just the applications in the filter, the default value is false
- colorMode - decide what is the first stereotype. Allowed values are {"status", "location", "cluster"}
- title - changes the title of the diagram, the default value is "UML Components".
- The application has been developed with IntellJ IDEA CE in Kotlin
- UML generation is based on plantUML and this needs GraphVis to run. You find the installation packages here
- Java 1.8 JRE will be needed to start the Spring Boot Application
- A docker image will be created and started during the build, but you may also run without docker. In the case you use docker, just mount the path /usr/local/bin/data/ in the container to a local folder.
The generated html files need no additional libraries, so you may open them in the browser and save them as file.
Home screen (http://localhost:8080) :
Applications in components view with first stereotype is the status (http://localhost:8080/diagramshowLinks=true&colorMode=status):
Applications in components view with first stereotype is the cluster (http://localhost:8080/diagramshowLinks=true&colorMode=cluster):
Applications in components view reduced information (http://localhost:8080/diagramshowLinks=true&colorMode=status&showComplex=true&filter=ID01-ID02):
Applications in components view with simple (http://localhost:8080/diagramshowLinks=true&showComplex=false):