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Minimal Setup

  1. Clone or fork this repository
  2. $ npm install – install development dependencies
  3. $ npm run build – build assets (CSS, e.g.)
  4. $ npm start – start a development server so the paths to resources don't get jacked up
  5. Navigate to http://localhost:3000


To start the development server, run

$ npm start

from the project folder and then navigate to http://localhost:3000

HTML Development

Keep it simple! All HTML files and other assets should be located within the public folder.

CSS Development

There is nothing fancy here except for a few Sass modules (files) being compiled and compressed into 1 .css file. The CLI (command-line interface) commands are located in executable files within bin/ and are executed in package.json by NPM scripts.

To compile the Sass:

$ npm run build-css

To watch for changes to src/styles/ and re-compile:

$ npm run watch-css

Deploy to gh-pages

If you want this to be continually easy, create this script somewhere in your path (mine is ~/bin/git-gh-deploy):

if [ -z "$1" ]
  echo "Which folder do you want to deploy to GitHub Pages?"
  exit 1
git subtree push --prefix $1 origin gh-pages

Next, from within this project folder and in the master branch, once you're ready to rock and roll, run

$ git-gh-deploy public

This should take everything from the public folder and place it over in the gh-pages branch.

If you find the git-gh-deploy command unavailable, add this line to your ~/.bash_profile:

export PATH=/Users/youruserhere/bin:$PATH

So, All Together!

Here's a basic flow for making your changes, pushing to the master branch and deploying to GitHub Pages:

$ git pull origin master
$ git add -A
$ git commit -m "These are some changes that do X, Y and Z"
$ git push origin master
$ git-gh-deploy public

If you create a separate branch that is to be merged in to master via a Pull Request, then just make sure you pull the master branch and then do the git-gh-deploy line.


Iron Yard Ventures






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