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Mikhail Petrov edited this page Mar 14, 2018 · 3 revisions

Error codes explained

The following error codes are defined in defines.h

#define SUCCESS              0x00
#define CALLBEGIN            0x01
#define UNKNOWNCHIP          0x02
#define UNKNOWNCAP           0x03
#define CHIPBUSY             0x04
#define OUTOFBOUNDS          0x05
#define CANTENWRITE          0x06
#define PREVWRITTEN          0x07
#define LOWRAM               0x08
#define SYSSUSPEND           0x09
#define ERRORCHKFAIL         0x0A
#define NORESPONSE           0x0B
#define UNSUPPORTEDFUNC      0x0C
#define UNABLETO4BYTE        0x0D
#define UNABLETO3BYTE        0x0E
#define UNKNOWNERROR         0xFE

If your code returns an error code, this is what it means.

  • 0x00 Success – Function executed successfully
  • 0x01 Call begin()*constructor_of_choice*.begin() was not called in void setup()
  • 0x02 Unknown chip – Unable to identify chip. Are you sure this chip is supported? The library will print out the information it has been able to obtain from the chip to Serial.
  • 0x03 Unknown capacity – Unable to identify capacity. Is this chip officially supported? If not, please define a CAPACITY constant and include it in *constructor_of_choice*.begin(CAPACITY).
  • 0x04 Chip is busy – Chip is busy. Make sure all pins have been connected properly
  • 0x05 Out of bounds – Page overflow has been disabled and the address called exceeds the memory
  • 0x06 Can't enable write – Unable to Enable Writing to chip. Please make sure the HOLD & WRITEPROTECT pins (if broken out on the chip) are pulled up to VCC or pulled down to GND - as required by the datasheet.
  • 0x07 Address previously written to – This sector already contains data. Please make sure the sectors being written to are erased.
  • 0x08 Low RAM – You are running low on SRAM. Please optimise your program for better RAM usage
  • 0x09 Unable to Suspend/Resume – Unable to suspend/resume operation
  • 0x0A Error check has failed – Write Function has failed errorcheck.
  • 0x0B No response from chip – Check your wiring. Flash chip is non-responsive.
  • 0x0C Function not supported by chip – This function is not supported by the flash memory hardware.
  • 0x0D Enabling 4-byte addressing failed – Unable to enable 4-byte addressing.
  • 0x0E Disabling 4-byte addressing failed – Unable to disable 4-byte addressing.
  • 0x0F Chip is powered down – The Flash chip is currently powered down.
  • 0xFE Unknown – Unknown error