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Dynamic programming problems lecture

Matija Eskic edited this page Apr 23, 2020 · 7 revisions


  • Longest Common Subsequence | Introduction & LCS Length
  • Longest Common Subsequence | Finding all LCS
  • Longest Common Substring problem
  • Longest Palindromic Subsequence using Dynamic Programming
  • Longest Repeated Subsequence Problem
  • Implement Diff Utility
  • Shortest Common Supersequence | Introduction & SCS Length
  • Shortest Common Supersequence | Finding all SCS
  • Longest Increasing Subsequence using Dynamic Programming
  • Longest Bitonic Subsequence
  • Increasing Subsequence with Maximum Sum
  • The Levenshtein distance (Edit distance) problem
  • Find size of largest square sub-matrix of 1’s present in given binary matrix
  • Matrix Chain Multiplication using Dynamic Programming
  • Find the minimum cost to reach last cell of the matrix from its first cell
  • Find longest sequence formed by adjacent numbers in the matrix
  • Count number of paths in a matrix with given cost to reach destination cell
  • 0–1 Knapsack problem
  • Maximize the Value of an Expression
  • Partition problem | Dynamic Programming Solution
  • Subset Sum Problem
  • Minimum Sum Partition Problem
  • Find all N-digit binary strings without any consecutive 1’s
  • Rod Cutting Problem
  • Maximum Product Rod Cutting
  • Coin change-making problem (unlimited supply of coins)
  • Coin Change Problem (Total number of ways to get the denomination of coins)
  • Longest Alternating Subsequence Problem
  • Count number of times a pattern appears in given string as a subsequence
  • Collect maximum points in a matrix by satisfying given constraints
  • Count total possible combinations of N-digit numbers in a mobile keypad
  • Find Optimal Cost to Construct Binary Search Tree
  • Word Break Problem | Dynamic Programming
  • Word Break Problem | Using Trie Data Structure
  • Total possible solutions to linear equation of k variables
  • Wildcard Pattern Matching
  • Find Probability that a Person is Alive after Taking N steps on an Island
  • Calculate sum of all elements in a sub-matrix in constant time
  • Find Maximum Sum Submatrix in a given matrix
  • Find Maximum Sum Submatrix present in a given matrix
  • Find maximum sum of subsequence with no adjacent elements
  • Maximum Subarray Problem (Kadane’s algorithm)
  • Single-Source Shortest Paths — Bellman Ford Algorithm
  • All-Pairs Shortest Paths — Floyd Warshall Algorithm
  • Pots of Gold Game using Dynamic Programming
  • Find minimum cuts needed for palindromic partition of a string
  • Maximum Length Snake Sequence
  • 3-Partition Problem
  • Calculate size of the largest plus of 1’s in binary matrix
  • Check if given string is interleaving of two other given strings
  • Link to a Quora post, where people posted a lot of DP problems
  • TO DO

    • INUMBER - Spoj problem, digit dp + bfs + backtrack
    • LEXBRAC - Spoj problem, digit dp + big numbers
    • LSORT - Spoj problem, can be recursively solved or iteratively, but some tricky computations I am not able to think at the moment and that is because i wanted just to code, practice some simpler problems, to stay in touch
    • MINUS - Spoj problem, not so hard, it is basically some kind of knapsack, but you need to get there first(some ad hoc)
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