These are simple audio objects I've written / adapted for the Teensy Audio Library. I should mention I don't really know what I'm doing, but these have been useful in my own synth DIY projects and a fun challenge.
The example .ino sketches assume you're using a Teensy 3.x or 4.x with the Teensy Audio Adapter and have a few potentiometers connected. The audio objects are included locally, so there is no need to make modifications to your existing Teensy Audio Library. I'm using Teensyduino on a Mac to write and test these.
I've posted about these objects on the PJRC forum as well.
Completed Audio Objects:
- Bernoulli Gate
- Bytebeat
- Chaos Maps
- Chaos Noise
- Comparator
- DC Block
- Dust
- FM Drum
- Function Shaper
- Gate to Trigger
- Ladder Lite
- Readout
- Quantizer
- Sample and Hold
- Shift Register / Rungler
- Slew Limiter
- STK Instrmnt / STK Effect
In Development:
- Bitbeat?
- Envelope Follower
- Limiter
- AudioSynthWaveformModulated with sync input
- A version of the Audio System Design Tool for Teensy Audio Library with all of these objects included