Tired of having to manually type out delimiters when ending a large block, especially with varianted delimiters? Don’t like the heavy handed current solutions, that complete while you type, without much control? That’s where this package comes in!
This package has four, public facing functions
Along with a version that inserts a newline after each delimiter,
Calling the former will insert the next delimiter to close the nearest open one.
{ (
Calling paren-completer-add-delimiter-in, right here, inserts ), and then } if called a second time.
The latter function, completes all missing delimiters, completing closing the block.
Be aware that these functions are only aware of delimiters from the beginning of the buffer, up till your point.
Modify paren-completer–open-delimiter-list, and paren-completer–close-delimiter-list They must be in the same order. IE, (ignoring the paren-completer prefix for brevity)
open-delimiter-list : [ \( \{ ] close-delimiter-list : [\( \{ ]
is fine, but
open-delimiter-list : [ \{ \[ ] close-delimiter-list : [\( \{ ]
Is quite problematic.
Caching the point won’t work, because it’s too easy to be at the same point, despite having made changes. Could make a hook to hook into on buffer change, but that would likely cancel any performance gains, might as well just run it multiple times.... ( Plus that’s a bit uglier.)
- paren-completer–complete-stringsp? : If true, use the syntax table to auto-close strings also.
- paren-completer–ignore-commentsp? : If true, ignore delimiters in comments
- paren-completer–ignore-stringsp? : If true, ignore delimiters within strings
- Possibly use http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/elisp/Parser-State.html#Parser-State to avoid scanning everything? Future thing to do…
- Switch to the syntax table for checking delimiters, original reason not to is gone....