A Pokédex app created with the SwiftUI framework that utilizes data from PokeAPI.
- Design the Pokemon Detail View
- Fetch Pokemon detail information from API endpoint
- Add a filter option for the home view
- Add functionality to sort by option (Sort by ID, name, height, weight)
- Update settings view (i.e. to change display style, measurement system, etc.)
- Add ability to favorite Pokemon and have them displayed first
The data provided for all Pokemon results only includes a name
and url
property. To have access to each Pokemon type, I just created a local JSON file "pokemon.json" that includes the following properties for all 905 Pokemon.
"id": 1,
"name": "bulbasaur",
"types": ["grass", "poison"]
The JSON is just decoded from the app bundle. I could use the GraphQL endpoint to grab specific data, but I don't think it's necessary for what I am trying to accomplish. An actual API call will be used, though, to gather further Pokemon data that is used in the detail view for each Pokemon.