A typeahead/autocomplete component for React
react-typeahead is a javascript library that provides a react-based typeahead, or autocomplete text entry, as well as a "typeahead tokenizer", a typeahead that allows you to select multiple results.
For a typeahead input:
var Typeahead = require('react-typeahead').Typeahead;
[{display: "foobar"}, {display: "spameggs"}, {display: "hameggs"},
{display: "spamfoo"}, {display: "spam"}]}
filterOptions={{extract : function(element){
return element.display;
For a tokenizer typeahead input:
var Tokenizer = require('react-typeahead').Tokenizer;
<Tokenizer defaultValue="foo"
[{display: "foobar"}, {display: "spameggs"}, {display: "hameggs"},
{display: "spamfoo"}, {display: "spam"}]}
filterOptions={{extract : function(element){
return element.display;
}}} />,
To create a new distribution file, run the following npm command:
npm run build
- Basic Typeahead with Topcoat
- Typeahead Tokenizer with Topcoat
- Typeahead Tokenizer with simple styling
Type: React Component
Basic typeahead input and results list.
Type: Array
Default: []
An array supplied to the search.
Type: Number
Limit the number of options rendered in the results list.
Type: Object
Allowed Keys: input
, results
, listItem
, listAnchor
An object containing custom class names for child elements. Useful for integrating with 3rd party UI kits.
Type: String
Placeholder text for the typeahead input.
Type: Function
Event handler for the keyDown
event on the typeahead input.
Type: Function
Event handler triggered whenever a user picks an option
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Require the user to select an item from the list of options. Not selecting from the list will result in the input being cleared.
Type: Function
Event handler triggered whenever a user doesn't select an option and leaves the input field. Only called if forceSelection is true.
Type: React Component
Typeahead component that allows for multiple options to be selected.
Type: Array
Default: []
An array supplied to the search.
Type: Number
Limit the number of options rendered in the results list.
Type: Object
Allowed Keys: input
, results
, listItem
, listAnchor
, typeahead
, token
, tokenContainer
An object containing custom class names for child elements. Useful for integrating with 3rd party UI kits.
Type: String
Placeholder text for the typeahead input.
Type: Array
A set of values of tokens to be loaded on first render.
Type: Function
Event handler triggered whenever a token is removed.
Type: Function
Event handler triggered whenever a token is removed.
Type: Boolean
Default: false
When true, if the input is empty and the user hits the backspace key the last token added will be removed.
Type: Function
Default: Sorts on display field
A function for sorting the options which is how they will be displayed to the user.