Replaces the black background color of Demeo and Demeo Battles, enabling mixed reality in the PCVR version of these games through VirtualDesktop's passthrough mode.
- Download BepInEx for Mono version, and extract the files into the game's Folder.
- Create a new file in
(create that folder if necessary). Fill it with the content from here. - Download
from here and unzip the file intoDemeo\BepInEx\plugins
Demeo Battles
- Download BepInEx for Il2CPP version 6.0.0 or later, and extract the files into the game's Folder.
- Create a new file in
Demeo Battles\BepInEx\config\BepInEx.cfg
(create that folder if necessary). Fill it with the content from here. - Download
from here and unzip the file intoDemeo Battles\BepInEx\plugins
Demeo & Demeo Battles
- Start the game & turn off the basement environment in the setting ingame.
- Turn on "VR Passthrough" under the "Streaming"-Tab in the Virtual Desktop Menu (within VR).
Red: 0, Green: 255, Blue: 0, Similarity: 37, Smoothness: 5
- Create the file
in yourBepInEx\plugins
Folder (where the .dll is located) and insert the following:
Feel free to adjust the values as desired, ensuring they stay within the range of 0 to 255 for each component.
Additionally, please update the color in the VirtualDesktop configuration accordingly.
If you discover a color or configuration that, in your opinion, performs better than the default green, let me know :)
- Visible outlines around some objects (Depends on your passthrough configuration in Virtual Desktop)
- You can look through some parts of some objects which also have the same color (e.g. the Swiftness Potion Card for the default green background).
- Code inspired by "SkipIntro" from DemeoMods by orendain using the MIT License
- HarmonyLib using the MIT License
- MelonLoader using the Apache-2.0 license
If you have any suggestions, feel free to open an Issue. Or contact me (McFredward) in via Discord.