DroptIT is a proof of concept ecommerce platform, and is the second and improved iteration of the "Sol 17" project. The goal for DropIT was to learn and familiarize myself with server-side programming, and "hands-on", database management.
React.js is the font-end, client-side rendering JavaScript library that controls manages interaction from the user in the browser. I chose it because I am comfortable and confident with React, allowing me to focus on other aspects of the project and better my understanding with them. React-Browser Router is used for all (URL) routing, along with React Context for state management across the application.
Express.js is manages all backend operations, hosted on a Heroku server. It handles all client-side requests to the database through a HTTPS connection.
MongoDB Atlas Cluster manages all storing of data, and searching with its Full-Text-Search engine. Mongo was chosen for its simplistic JSON-like document storing, which is similar to Firebase's FireStore which I use often. The goal with using Mongodb was to get practice with database communication through a server which I controlled, and understand the principles behind Database and Server management.