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MehlboxKonsole 2 - Prototype

Known Vulnerabilities Build Status

This prototype is to give us a spike and will provide the following functions:

  • Basic layout
  • Log in with LDAP credentials
  • Change password (LDAP backed)
  • Show assigned e-mail addresses


All you need is:

  • Java 11
  • Access to an LDAP server

We use a specific object class (qmailUser) on the Mehlbox. To make the set up as painless as possible a Docker image exists with this object class already set up. See Development LDAP server set up below.

How to build and run

Building couldn't be easier:

  1. Clone repository
  2. Change into your fresh clone
  3. Run: ./gradlew clean build

And running the application is simply: ./gradlew bootRun and open your browser on http://localhost:8080.

Keep in mind that you need a running LDAP server to be able to login. By default, the application is using ldap://localhost:389 as LDAP connection URL. If your LDAP is listening on another address, use the following command:

JAVA_OPTS="-Dmk2.ldap.context-source.url=ldap://<your-ldap-address>:<your-ldap-port>" ./gradlew bootRun

Alternatively you can export JAVA_OPTS so you do not have repeat it every time:

export JAVA_OPTS="-Dmk2.ldap.context-source.url=ldap://<your-ldap-address>:<your-ldap-port>"

To populate the LDAP, the easiest is to export from the main directory and import it into your local environment. Or ask Holger to get a copy.

Development LDAP server set up

To get up to speed quickly a Docker image with SLAPD, already bundled with the qmailUser object class, is waiting for you. It is based on dinkel/docker-openldap and supports a set of environment variables. The most important variables needed are:

Name Description Example value
SLAPD_DOMAIN Domain name you want to use for your base
SLAPD_PASSWORD Password for the main directory root
LDAP_CONFIG_PASSWORD Password for the cn=config directory branch config
SLAPD_ADDITIONAL_MODULES Activates additional object classes. IMPORTANT qmail

On Linux (and if I remember correctly on OSX as well), the following docker command will create a container named slapd, listening on port 389.

docker run -itd --name slapd -e -e SLAPD_PASSWORD=root -e SLAPD_CONFIG_PASSWORD=config -e SLAPD_ADDITIONAL_MODULES=qmail -p 389:389 daincredibleholg/docker-openldap

If you run docker within a virtual machine (e.g. Docker Machine), you can access the OpenLDAP instance via ldap://:389. If you run Docker natively on Linux, the URL is simply ldap://localhost:389.

To create a backup of our LDAP directory, run:

sudo ldapsearch -z max -LLL -Wx -D"cn=admin,dc=e-mehlbox,dc=eu" -b "dc=e-mehlbox,dc=eu" >> ldap-backup-$(date +%Y%m%d).ldapsearch.ldif

Then, import it with (example for a file created on November, 07th 2018, replace filename accordingly):

ldapmodify -c -Wx -D "cn=admin,dc=e-mehlbox,dc=eu" -a -f ldap-backup-20181107.ldapsearch.ldif

If you do not have ldapmodify handy, try something like this (untested!):

cat ldap-backup-20181107.ldapsearch.ldif | docker exec -ti slapd ldapmodify -c -Wx -D "cn=admin,dc=e-mehlbox,dc=eu" -a


Run make docker in order to create a new Docker image, called "mk2-prototype". For the time being, the Dockerfile contains the version number, used in the JAR file name. So, every new release needs an update of this file. This is subject to change.

Running the docker image

I use the following command to run the image locally. It expects your Docker internal network using IP addresses. Check by e.g. running a ubuntu:latest image, install the iproute2 package and check the IP addresses with ip addr show.

Additionally, this expects the slapd running as Docker container as described earlier. Adjust the IP address accordingly. (Yes, we could connect these containers via Docker networks BUT on the target environment, the slapd runs directly on the bare metal. This is to "simulate" this situation.)

Anyways, the IP network usually is that exact network, so try it:

docker run -d \
  --name mk2-prototype-test \
  -eLDAP_USERNAME="cn=admin,dc=e-mehlbox,dc=eu" \
  -eLDAP_BASE="dc=e-mehlbox,dc=eu" \
  -eLDAP_HOST="ldap:\/\/" \
  -p 8080:8080 \

Publishing to Docker Hub

Once you are happy with the local image, run the following commands to publish. Replace TAGNAME with the version in the form x.y.z:

docker tag mk2-protoype:latest daincredibleholg/mk2-protoype:TAGNAME
docker push daincredibleholg/mk2-prototype:TAGNAME