BFS / UCS / A* Search / Pathfinding by direct optimisation (simulated annealing)
example input map is provided, see map.text
, first line is the size of the map, second line is the start location and the third line is the goal location, the rest is the map, X
means obstacles.
States: Any obstacle-free position (i, j) on the map. Initial States: A position (i0, j0) given by the user. Actions: Since we consider 4-connectedness, only four actions are available: Up, down, left and right (your program must expand each node in this order). Available actions for positions adjacent to the map boundary or obstacles are reduced accordingly. Transition Model: Moving left moves the current position to the left, etc. Goal Test: Check if the current state is the end position (i*, j*) given by the user. Path Cost: Given a map M and a Path P{(i0, j0), (i1, j1), ... (iN, jN)}, the cost of the path is calculated as:
and M(a, b) is the elevation at the position (a, b). In words, the cost of a path is the sum of the costs between adjacent points in the path, and the cost between adjacent points is 1 plus the difference between the elevation of the two points if we climb "uphill" or simply 1 if we stay "level" or slide "downhill".
code can be called as following:
>>> python [map] [algorithm] [heuristic]
- [algorithm] specifies the search algorithm to use, with the possible values of bfs, ucs, and astar.
- [heuristic] specifies the heuristic to use for A* search, with the possible values of euclidean and manhattan. This input is ignored for BFS and UCS.
>>> python [map] [init] [tini] [tfin] [alpha] [d]
The inputs/options to the program are as follows:
- [map] specifies the path to the map as formatted in
- [init] specifies the path to an initial path, encoded according to the output of the program (as
) - [tini] and [tfin] specify the intial and final temperature respectively.
- [alpha] specifies the cooling rate
- [d] specifies the segment length for random local path adjustments.
Algorithm Reference Sources: Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (Third Edition) --Stuart J. Russell and Peter Norvig