voSINT is an Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) tool designed for video reverse search. It enables users to trace the digital footprint of a video across the internet. By listing the results in descending order, voSINT reveals where a video first appeared and its subsequent occurrences online. This tool is invaluable for cybersecurity experts, digital forensics analysts, and anyone interested in the origin and spread of digital content.
Key Features:
- Track video appearances online in descending order.
- Generate approximate results, prioritizing data scope.
- Beta version focused on user feedback and continuous improvement.
Navigate to the directory where you want to create your project.
Run the following command to create a virtual environment (replace 'venv' with your desired environment name):
python3 -m venv venv
Activate the virtual environment:
source venv/bin/activate
Install the required packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt
For using the tool with a single video:
python voSINT.py <video_path>
For multiple videos in a directory:
python voSINT.py <videos_dir>
By creating and activating a virtual environment, you ensure that the installed packages and dependencies are isolated from your system's global Python environment, providing a clean and separate environment for your project.
Before using voSINT, you need to obtain an API key from SerpApi.com. This key is essential for the tool to perform video reverse searches in Google and Yandex without dealing with CAPTCHA. Follow these steps to configure your API key:
Visit SerpApi.com and sign up to receive an API key.
Once you have your API key, open the config.ini file in the voSINT directory.
Insert your API key in the designated section of config.ini.
Ensure your API key is correctly saved in the configuration file to enable the full functionality of voSINT.