Node, Express, Less and EJS Stack App for Credit Cards Number Verification.
Link to the application: Coming soon...
The app uses Luhn algorithm, prefixes and number length to validate credit cards. The algorithm was taken from Rosetta Code and LearnersBucket.
You can use these credit card numbers (or your own card - the numbers aren't saved anywhere) to test the app:
Visa: 4242424242424242
American Express: 371449635398431
or 3400 0000 0000 009
Dinners Club: 30569309025904
Discover: 6011111111111117
JCB: 3530111333300000
Maestro: 6763-0903-0733-1012
Visa Electron: 4917300800000000
Master Card: 5500 0000 0000 0004
The .env file is not hosted on
I have some packages installed globally (e.g. TypeScript, Nodemon) so you have to install them manually.
- The App is written in TypeScript,
- Express is used to build server-side,
- EJS is used to generate HTML,
- Less and Bootstrap are used to style the app.