OpenHAB2 Bridge for Weather Underground (WU) Updater
Should work with all weather stations that implement the Weather Underground PWS protocol, like
- Renkforce
- Ambient Weather
- Froggit
- Aercus Instruments WeatherSleuth or WeatherRanger
- Fine Offset
- node.js, v8.13.0
- openHAB2, v2.4.0.M6
- Froggit WH2600 SE, Firmware v2.2.5
- request
- express
- normalize-port
- sprintf
sudo npm install -g normalize-port --save
sudo npm link normalize-port
- PWS-Server (w/o parameter):
- Copy pws_bridge.service to /lib/systemd/system/
- Run systemctl daemon-reload to refresh services
- Enable the service
- Start the service
- Check the service
- Service logs
sudo cp pws_bridge.service /lib/systemd/system/
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable pws_bridge.service
sudo systemctl start pws_bridge.service
sudo systemctl status pws_bridge.service
sudo journalctl -f -u pws_bridge.service
var boolean reloadOnce = true
rule "Start pws_bridge"
System started
if ( reloadOnce == true )
reloadOnce = false
Number:Temperature WH2600_Temperature "Temperature [%.1f %unit%]" <temperature>
Number:Dimensionless WH2600_Humidity "Humidity [%d %%]" <humidity>
Number:Temperature WH2600_Indoor_Temperature "Indoor Temperature [%.1f %unit%]" <temperature>
Number:Dimensionless WH2600_Indoor_Humidity "Indoor Humidity [%d %%]" <humidity>
Number:Temperature WH2600_DewPoint "Dew Point [%.1f %unit%]" <temperature>
Number:Temperature WH2600_WindChill "Wind Chill [%.1f %unit%]" <temperature>
Number:Temperature WH2600_HeatIndex "Heat Index [%.1f %unit%]" <temperature>
String WH2600_WindDirection "Wind Direction [%s]" <wind>
Number:Angle WH2600_WindDirection2 "Wind Direction [%d %unit%]" <wind>
Number:Speed WH2600_WindSpeed "Wind Speed [%.1f %unit%]" <wind>
Number:Speed WH2600_WindGust "Wind Gust [%.1f %unit%]" <wind>
Number:Length WH2600_RainH "Rain H [%.1f mm]" <rain>
Number:Length WH2600_RainD "Rain D [%.1f mm]" <rain>
Number:Length WH2600_RainW "Rain W [%.1f mm]" <rain>
Number:Length WH2600_RainM "Rain M [%.1f mm]" <rain>
Number:Length WH2600_RainY "Rain Y [%.1f mm]" <rain>
Number:Intensity WH2600_SolarRadiation "Solar Radiation [%.2f %unit%]"
Number WH2600_UV "UV Index [%.1f]"
Number:Pressure WH2600_Pressure "Pressure [%.0f %unit%]"
Switch WH2600_LowBat "Low Battery [%s]"
String WH2600_SoftwareType "Software Type [%s]"
DateTime WH2600_Date "Date [%1$tH:%1$tM:%1$tS]"
Switch WH2600_RealTime "RealTime [%s]"
String WH2600_Action "Action [%s]"
Number WH2600_RTFreq "RealTimeFreq [%d]"
String WH2600_Station "Station [%s]"
String WH2600_PWSState "PWS Update Status [%s]"
String WH2600_PWSError "PWS Update Error [%s]"