- https://www.kaggle.com/bakeryproducts
- https://www.kaggle.com/kulyabin
- https://www.kaggle.com/sherlockkay
Our rig was single node machine:
Linux 4.15.0-142-generic #146-Ubuntu SMP Tue Apr 13 01:11:19 UTC 2021 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Description: Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS
Release: 18.04
Codename: bionic
4GPU V100 32gb
256gb RAM
a lot of memory, one folded model produce ~50gb of date at the end of inference phase
Result of LB .925 / PB .949 can be achieved without ensembling with single 4fold model Unet-timm-regnety16 under 2hrs of training, default config
- Unet-regnety16
- Unet-regnetx32
- UnetPlusPlus-regnety16
- Unet-regnety16 with scse attention decoder
Training time for one model ~ 2hrs, 50-80 epochs of mixed data from grid sampling and object sampling Inference time on kaggle was ~7hrs for all images, locally ~30min for 5 images
Data structure:
-src // soruce code
-HUBMAP // source folder extracted from zip file, can be read-only
-bigmasks // tiff full-size masks; generated by data_gen.py
-CUTS // tiles cut off from tiffs, paired with masks; data_gen.py
-SPLITS // train and val splits, we use 4-fold split, see split_gen.py; data_gen.py
-output // results folder
-2021_feb_07_12_13_55 // trained model folder, IT MEANT TO BE ONE STRUCTURE, we are selecting this whole folder in inference module
-model // model checkpoints, selected by best val / EMAval model score
-logs // tensorboard logs
-src // copy of source code from root/src; for reproducing
-cfg.yaml // model config
All scripts should run from root directory:
python3 src/data_gen.py
One specific requirement is shallow library, src/shallow
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
cd src/shallow/ && pip3 install .
We are using rasterio as tiff reader and installing rasterio through pip should be enough.
But it uses GDAL under the hood, which can be pain to install, so just in case:
apt-get update
apt-get install libgdal-dev
export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include/gdal
export C_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include/gdal
gdal-config --version
pip install GDAL==2.2.3
This line will read input/HUBMAP folder with source data and produce cutted tiles in 4 fold splits for training.
python3 src/data_gen.py
Pytorch, albumentations, BCE+Dice, 4folds, Full precision
This will start training in backgorund (SCREEN), default mode is 4 GPUS (we used V100 32gb)
ALl default params in src/configs/unet_gelb.yaml
Input data keys that connects 'train_0e_33'
to folder input/SPLITS/glomi_split/0e/
in data.py
This will create timestamped folder with results and logs in output
Single GPU usage:
DDP: False
Single fold usage:
DATASETS: ['train_0e_33', 'grid_0e_33']
CACHE: False
MULTIPLY: {'rate':1}
FOLDS: ['val_0e_33' ]
Inference working like this:
python3 src/run_inference.py --model_folder TIMESTAMPED_FOLDER_WITH_RESULTS_FROM_TRAINING --test_folder FOLDER_WITH_TEST_DATA
python3 src/run_inference.py --model_folder output/2021_feb_07_12_13_55 --test_folder input/HUBMAP/test
Script will select best model from checkpoints based on val score, and run inference on .tiff images in specified folder
Results will be placed in model_folder
There are switchable options in script, such as:
- save RLE
- do TTA
- save Masks
- multiprocessing with one image per GPU
This script is quite different from kaggle inference notebook, since we own and can use more resources locally
Ensembling of the results of several models:
- Each model of future ensemble should go through inference phase
- Models folders should be listed in src/ensemble.py
- Run
python3 src/ensemble.py
- Models predictions will be averaged and saved to new folder
- Run
python3 src/run_inference.py --do_rle --model_folder output/2021_feb_07_12_13_55 --test_folder input/HUBMAP/test
Gleb Sokolov, [email protected]