This is a solution to the Todo app challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.
But their file (free version) is not that good, you will just get confused by their limited amount of information you need. 🤣
Users should be able to:
- View the optimal layout for the app depending on their device's screen size
- See hover states for all interactive elements on the page
- Add new todos to the list
- Mark todos as complete
- Delete todos from the list
- Filter by all/active/complete todos
- Clear all completed todos
- Toggle light and dark mode
- Bonus: Drag and drop to reorder items on the list
- Solution URL: Github Repo
- Live Site URL: Femio Todo App
- Semantic HTML5 markup
- Flexbox (everywhere)
- Mobile-first workflow
- Vercel - Host your React/Nextjs/Vue/Nuxtjs/Svelte/etc. for freeee
- Vite - JS build tool
- React - JS library
- Tailwindcss - For beautiful & veryveryvery great styling
- react-beautiful-dnd (rbd) - For easy, beautiful, & accessible drag n drop
- Prettier - We know we write messy code, Prettier do the heavy work
- Typescript - Again, we know we write untrusted code, TS do the heavy work
- Jotai - Use Recoil before? Or Redux? Zustand? Or use the context & reducer hooks? Try Jotai 🎉
A lot! But, to be add later if I have more time to write 🚀
Some of them are trying drag n drop, Jotai, and Vite for the first time.
It took me ~30 hours over 2 weekends to complete this project with all the experimentations, trial & error, refactoring, and etc.
I still curious about the advanced implementation of render function. I use that in this project earlier but refactor it since the implementation of drag n drop feature. It's interesting and definitely love to explore more later.
To be add later, for now take a look at Built with section above
- Website -
- Frontend Mentor - @Milkywayrules
- Github - @Milkywayrules
- Linkedin - @dioilham
- Instagram - @dioilham
idk, no one for this project
All of the screenshots are kinda HD, so try the app by yourself instead of waiting forever...
<style type="text/css"> img { width: 300px; } </style>