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add more tests for mina cli. Mostly simple commands which historicall…
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…y had issues with printing out junky log on output
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dkijania committed Dec 5, 2024
1 parent a8ddeab commit 8c0b416
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Showing 3 changed files with 161 additions and 8 deletions.
136 changes: 130 additions & 6 deletions src/test/command_line_tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,24 +3,28 @@ open Mina_bootstrapper
open Mina_cli
open Mina_daemon
open Runner
open Core

* Test the basic functionality of the mina daemon and client through the CLI

module CliTests = struct
let run test_case mina_path =
Async.Thread_safe.block_on_async_exn (fun () -> test_case mina_path )

let test_background_daemon mina_path =
let test_case config =
let open Deferred.Or_error.Let_syntax in
let bootstrapper = MinaBootstrapper.create config in
let%bind _ = MinaBootstrapper.start bootstrapper in
let%bind _ = MinaBootstrapper.wait_for_bootstrap bootstrapper in
let mina_cli = MinaCli.create config.port config.mina_exe in
let mina_cli = MinaCli.create ~port:config.port config.mina_exe in
let%map _ = MinaCli.stop_daemon mina_cli in
Async.Thread_safe.block_on_async_exn (fun () -> test_case mina_path )
run test_case mina_path

let test_daemon_recover mina_path =
let test_case config =
Expand All @@ -32,12 +36,108 @@ module CliTests = struct
let%bind _ = MinaDaemon.force_kill daemon in
let%bind _ = MinaBootstrapper.start bootstrapper in
let%bind _ = MinaBootstrapper.wait_for_bootstrap bootstrapper in
let mina_cli = MinaCli.create config.port config.mina_exe in
let mina_cli = MinaCli.create ~port:config.port config.mina_exe in
let%map _ = MinaCli.stop_daemon mina_cli in
Async.Thread_safe.block_on_async_exn (fun () -> test_case mina_path )
run test_case mina_path

let generate_random_ledger mina_cli =
let open Deferred.Or_error.Let_syntax in
let temp_file = Filename.temp_file "commandline" "ledger.json" in
let%bind ledger_content = MinaCli.test_ledger mina_cli ~n:10 in
let accounts =
Yojson.Safe.from_string ledger_content
|> Runtime_config.Accounts.of_yojson |> Result.ok_or_failwith
Runtime_config.Accounts.to_yojson accounts |> Yojson.Safe.to_file temp_file ;
return (accounts, temp_file)

let assert_don't_contain_log_output output =
if String.is_substring ~substring:"{\"timestamp\":" output then
failwith "logger output detected"
else ()

let test_ledger_hash mina_path =
let test_case (config : Config.Config.t) =
let open Deferred.Or_error.Let_syntax in
let mina_cli = MinaCli.create config.mina_exe in
let%bind _, ledger_file = generate_random_ledger mina_cli in
let%bind hash = MinaCli.ledger_hash mina_cli ~ledger_file in
assert_don't_contain_log_output hash ;
if not (String.is_prefix ~prefix:"j" hash) then
failwith "invalid ledger hash prefix" ;

if Int.( <> ) (String.length hash) 51 then
failwith "invalid ledger hash length" ;

return ()
run test_case mina_path

let test_ledger_currency mina_path =
let test_case (config : Config.Config.t) =
let open Deferred.Or_error.Let_syntax in
let mina_cli = MinaCli.create config.mina_exe in
let%bind accounts, ledger_file = generate_random_ledger mina_cli in
let total_currency = accounts ~f:(fun account ->
Currency.Balance.to_nanomina_int account.balance )
|> List.sum (module Int)
let%bind output = MinaCli.ledger_currency mina_cli ~ledger_file in
let total_currency_float = float_of_int total_currency /. 1000000000.0 in
let total_currency_string =
Printf.sprintf "MINA: %.9f" total_currency_float
assert_don't_contain_log_output output ;
if not (String.equal total_currency_string (String.strip output)) then
failwithf "invalid mina total count %s vs %s" total_currency_string
output () ;
return ()
run test_case mina_path

let test_advanced_print_signature_kind mina_path =
let test_case (config : Config.Config.t) =
let open Deferred.Or_error.Let_syntax in
let mina_cli = MinaCli.create config.mina_exe in
let%bind output = MinaCli.advanced_print_signature_kind mina_cli in
let expected = "testnet" in
assert_don't_contain_log_output output ;
if not (String.equal expected (String.strip output)) then
failwithf "invalid signature kind %s vs %s" expected output () ;
return ()
run test_case mina_path

let test_advanced_compile_time_constants mina_path =
let test_case (config : Config.Config.t) =
let open Deferred.Or_error.Let_syntax in
let mina_cli = MinaCli.create config.mina_exe in
let%bind config_content = MinaCli.test_ledger mina_cli ~n:10 in
let config_content =
Printf.sprintf "{ \"ledger\":{ \"accounts\":%s } }" config_content
let temp_file = Filename.temp_file "commandline" "ledger.json" in
Yojson.Safe.from_string config_content |> Yojson.Safe.to_file temp_file ;
let%bind output =
MinaCli.advanced_compile_time_constants mina_cli ~config_file:temp_file
assert_don't_contain_log_output output ;
return ()
run test_case mina_path

let test_advanced_constraint_system_digests mina_path =
let test_case (config : Config.Config.t) =
let open Deferred.Or_error.Let_syntax in
let mina_cli = MinaCli.create config.mina_exe in
let%bind output = MinaCli.advanced_constraint_system_digests mina_cli in
assert_don't_contain_log_output output ;
return ()
run test_case mina_path

let mina_path =
Expand All @@ -58,4 +158,28 @@ let () =
, [ test_case "The mina daemon recovers from crash" `Quick
] )
; ( "ledger-hash"
, [ test_case "The mina ledger hash evaluates correctly" `Quick
] )
; ( "ledger-currency"
, [ test_case "The mina ledger currency evaluates correctly" `Quick
] )
; ( "advanced-print-signature-kind"
, [ test_case "The mina cli prints correct signature kind" `Quick
] )
; ( "advanced-compile-time-constants"
, [ test_case
"The mina cli does not print log when printing compile time \
`Quick CliTests.test_advanced_compile_time_constants
] )
; ( "advanced-constraint-system-digests"
, [ test_case
"The mina cli does not print log when printing constrain system \
`Quick CliTests.test_advanced_constraint_system_digests
] )
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/test/command_line_tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ module MinaBootstrapper = struct
Process.create ~prog ~args ()

let wait_for_bootstrap t =
let mina_cli = MinaCli.create t.config.port t.config.mina_exe in
let mina_cli = MinaCli.create ~port:t.config.port t.config.mina_exe in
Async.printf "Waiting initial %d s. before connecting\n"
(int_of_float t.client_delay) ;
let%bind _ =
Expand Down
31 changes: 30 additions & 1 deletion src/test/command_line_tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ open Async
module MinaCli = struct
type t = { port : int; mina_exe : string }

let create port mina_exe = { port; mina_exe }
let create ?(port = 3085) mina_exe = { port; mina_exe }

let stop_daemon t = () ~prog:t.mina_exe
Expand All @@ -14,4 +14,33 @@ module MinaCli = struct ~prog:t.mina_exe
~args:[ "client"; "status"; "-daemon-port"; sprintf "%d" t.port ]

let ledger_hash t ~ledger_file = ~prog:t.mina_exe
~args:[ "ledger"; "hash"; "--ledger-file"; ledger_file ]

let ledger_currency t ~ledger_file = ~prog:t.mina_exe
~args:[ "ledger"; "currency"; "--ledger-file"; ledger_file ]

let test_ledger t ~(n : int) = ~prog:t.mina_exe
~args:[ "ledger"; "test"; "generate-accounts"; "-n"; string_of_int n ]

let advanced_print_signature_kind t = ~prog:t.mina_exe ~args:[ "advanced"; "print-signature-kind" ] ()

let advanced_compile_time_constants t ~config_file = ~prog:t.mina_exe
[ "advanced"; "compile-time-constants"; "--config-file"; config_file ]

let advanced_constraint_system_digests t = ~prog:t.mina_exe
~args:[ "advanced"; "constraint-system-digests" ]

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