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🤖 Machine-Learning 🤖

Assignment 37

  • Crop digits and make a dataset with 10 directories.

    Deta file
    res res
  • Implement the Machine Learning and Matplotlib training section of the w3schools website.

Assignment 38

Data Science

  • et Python for Data Science Certificate.
  • balloons 🎈 and melons 🍈.


  • python visualization (case) apples 🍎 and bananas 🍌.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

  • Complete California cities problem like this


Assignment 39

Data Science

  • Identify what exactly happened on April?
    res res
    res res
    res res
    res res

Assignment 41


apple and banana


Assignment 42

ANSUR II dataset

Show heights for women and men on same plot.


  • A. Why is the data of men higher than the data of women?

    Because there are more male data than female data (because 1985 females and 4081 males).
  • B. Why is the data of men more right than the data of women?

    Because men are taller. For a better comparison, the following chart with the same density is proposed. hist density

Answer :

🚹 Mean of Women height = 162.84 cm
🚺 Mean of Men height = 175.62 cm

Evaluate your KNN algorithm on the test dataset.

k 3 7 10 15 17
Score 83.1% 84.7% 84.9% 85.2% 85.5%

Evaluate the scikit-learn KNN :

k 3 7 10 15 17
Scores obtained by weight and stature features 83.3% 84.5% 84.8% 85.2% 85.1%
Scores obtained by weight and features Gender 97.9% 97.9% 98.1% 97.9% 97.9%
Scores obtained by weight, stature and Gender features 97.3% 97.3% 97.7% 97.5% 97.4%

Calculate confusion matrix for test dataset.

Confusion Matrix me

Assignment 43


Finding Nemo

  • res

IRIS dataset

  • Classes: Setosa Versicolour Virginica / Features: Sepal Length (cm) - طول کاسبرگ Sepal Width (cm) - عرض کاسبرگ Petal Length (cm) - طول گلبرگ Petal Width (cm) - عرض گلبرگ
    k Accuracy
    1 0.9
    3 0.9333333333333333
    5 0.9666666666666667
    7 1.0
    9 1.0

res res

Breast Cancer dataset

k Accuracy
1 0.9035087719298246
3 0.9298245614035088
5 0.9385964912280702
7 0.9473684210526315
9 0.9473684210526315

Assignment 43 📚

Linear Least Squares (LLS)

Students Performance (Regression)

res res

Boston house-prices (Regression) 🏠


Assignment 45 💸

Linear Least Squares (LLS)

Tehran House Price 🏠

  • Tehran House Price data

Dollar Rial Price 💰

  • Dollar Rial Price dat res res res

Assignment 46 🔴

Perceptron (Perception Neuron)

Employee's salary 💵


Abalone 🐚


Boston house-prices 🏠


Assignment 47📈

Perceptron (Perception Neuron)

  • Surgical 🏨 Implement the data website.

    Loss Accuracy
    res res
  • weatherHistory 🌦 Implement the data website.

    Loss Accuracy
    res res