If you like to adjust to other forks that don't use 12-decimals, please change decimal value in node-mdules/xmr-nodejs
or create a new module for your prefered coin
Or even better, adjust to have it a configurable option and create a PR :)
Mongodb version 3.6.4 (compatible), other version use is not recommended, but it can work
sudo apt install mongodb
Node.js version 8.11.2 (compatible), other version is not recommended, but it can work
Navigate to bot directory
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.33.11/install.sh | bash
export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion"
nvm install 8.11.2
npm install discord.js
npm install safe-json-stringify
npm install monero-nodejs
npm install big.js
wallethostname - your wallet RPC server hostname, default is already included
walletport - your wallet RPC server port, default is already included
bot_token - get your token from https://discordapp.com/developers/applications/me (as of 22.05.2018). generate user for the bot, and click to reveal the Token
mongodburl - whole url, on which mongoDB is listening on. Find it in your mongodb config
owner_id - your discord user id
coin_name - The coin used for the display replies
block_maturity_requirement - !IMPORTANT, if not set correctly, the user may tip balance before it gets fully confirmed
coin_total_units - total decimal units used by the coin
coin_display_units - total units displayed by the output
server_wallet_address - wallet address on which deposits are sent to and on which RPC server is running
withdraw_tx_fees - fee in string, it will be taken from the withdrawal amount
withdraw_min_amount - the minimum amount in string, required for withdrawal to pass
wait_time_for_withdraw_confirm - waiting time until user confirms his withdrawal (in milliseconds), default is 20000
log_1 - log initial output in the console (true, false)
log_2 - log some actions in that are running in the bot eg. transactions (true, false)
log_3 - log (debug). Logging everything possible, every function called, and arguments passed (true, false)