I am a male (he/him) computer science alumnus of McMaster University. I started Web Development in High School, and quickly fell in love with it. I honed my skills for 2 years, and then competed in the Skills Canada national competition for Web Design and Development on behalf of Ontario. After that, I spent four years studying computer science at McMaster University, where I learned more coding languages, web libraries and frameworks, algorithms, databasing, machine learning, and so much more. Now, I am in the workplace doing everything I can to put my knowledge to good use.
- 🌍 I'm based in Acton, Ontario, Canada
- 🖥️ See my portfolio at GitHub.io
- ✉️ You can contact me via my GitHub contact email listed on my profile
- 🚀 I'm currently working on SawThat V2
- 🧠 I'm learning HTMX with GoLang Templates
- ⚡ I am a lover of many Science Fiction Movies and TV Shows
My GitHub Stats
In high school, my friend BowsiePup and I started Jazzmoon. It was meant to be a small freelance company that did coding jobs and web development related tasks. However, since we lived in such a small town, business wasn't great. That being said, whenever we make anything together, we release it as Jazzmoon since that identity is our identity as a team.
GitHub Student Development Pack: https://education.github.com/pack/offers
Proof of Competition: https://www.hdsb.ca/our-board/Pages/News/News-Description.aspx?NewsID=657