putting it into a repo, so i will know where to search for it ;-) (also doing that is a good reason to brush it all up)
I tend to put little scripts for personal use into .bashrc as functions or aliases, this way it is easier to look them up.
now that i have this archive there is one more thing to remember - to backup the scripts when they change...
my VIM customizations are explaine here
if you want to install the stuff into your curren user run script ./setup.sh (works on ubuntu and fedora) after cloning this repo - it (hopefully) works on ubuntu and fedora.
if you want to install and run this project from a docker based environment then run ./set-and-run-in-docker.sh ; but that's a very strange environment - the HOME directory is in the docker, so every change to configuration under HOME will be gone once you exit the docker, however it sets the current directory to your real home directory outside of the docker.
by default it installs the environment based on the setup.sh script cloned into the docker from this git repository (-m git) and installs it on a a docker image based on fedora (-b fedora), it starts a bash shell interactively, it changes to the home directory of the current user (outside of the docker)
-m file is used for debugging, when the script ./setup-and-run-indocker.sh is run.
This script requires docker and git.
./setup-and-run-in-docker.sh [-m <mode>] [-b <distro>] [-c] [-h]
Install my work environment into a docker and run it there; mount the system file system.
-m git | file : git - install from git url https://github.com/MoserMichael/myenv.git ;
file - get other script files from same directory as this script.
default git
-b ubuntu|fedora : base of docker is either ubuntu latest or fedora latest. default: fedora
-v : verbose mode
-c : clean the docker image and exit.
-h : show help
ctg build ctags for all c++ source files under current direcory
dockerclean delete everything in docker registry
dockercleanunnamed clean out unused stuff to free up disk space.
dockerimageget <docker image> <tarfile> copies content of image into tar file.
dockerimagels <docker image>; list content of docker image without running the container. (preferable)
dockerimagesizes show size of docker images in human readable form
dockerrunimagebash <docker-image> run a docker image and get you a shell with a contaiener using that image (if image has bash)
dockerstopall stop & remove all docker containers
e [<file>] start vim
ebig [<file>] start vim for editing very big files
errno <error number> greps up the error code in include files under /usr/ (reason is in comment displayed)
file2clip <file> copy file to clipboard
findcppmain find main functions in c++ source files (entry point when looking at stuff)
findgomain find main functions in go source files (looking for entry point when looking at stuff)
gb show current git branch
gitcleanuntracked clean all untracked files and directories
gitdiff git diff with line numbers!
gitdiffc git diff with colors and line numbers!
gitfilesincommit <commit-sha> to show files in commit
gitgraph git log as tree
gitgrep <search-term> run git grep from the repositories root directory - and put in full path name on all matching files.
gitgrepall <search-term> run git grep from the repositories root directory in all remote branches!
gitlog show git log with status of change (like svn)
gitlogcompact show git log -p - only changed lines
gitshowdeleted show deleted files in git
gitstatall git status does not show all files (thosed in .ignored are not shown) this one shows them all.
gitundodelete <file> bring back a deleted file in git
giturl show url that this git repo is looking at
gorigin show origin of branch
gotags build tags for all go source files under current direcory
gpush some projects at redhat force you to add a sign-off to each commit; this automates the process.
lsd show directories in current directory only
m alias for running make
mergencommits <number> merge a number of the last <number> commits
mergetwocommits merge the last two commits
nospaceinfilenames for files in current dir, rename filenames with spaces, swap spaces with underscores
p <search-term> grep alias for searching in python files under current directory
pstopcpu list processes with top cpu usage on top (first column in red)
pstopmem list processes with top memory usage on top (first column in red)
s <search-term> grep alias for searching in cpp files under current directory
sa <search-term> grep alias for searching in all files under current directory
sg <search-term> grep alias for searching in all go source files under current directory
show show help text on all utility aliases/functions that have <name>_usage variable defined
showunhealthypods show only pods that are not quite well.
straceprefix put this before command to run strace (put into strace.log)
tk <session-name> kill a tmux session (with completion)
tls lists all tmux sessions
tn <session-name> creates a new tmux session
whoisauthor show who are the most frequent authors in the current git repository
** scripts ***
./scripts/beep.sh [-h|<frequency>]
makes short beep. (default frequency 1000)
used the following to install prerequisites it on fedora:
sudo dnf install sox pavucontrol alsa-utils
on mac osx it works out of the box.
Usage: ./scripts/docker-push-repo.sh -u <user> -i <image name to upload> -n <docker repository name> -r <registry> [-v] [-h]
-i <image name to upload>
-n <docker repository name>
-r <docker registry> : defaults to quay.io
-u <docker registry user>
environment variable DOCKER_REGISTRY_PASSWORD must be set to the docker repository password.
-v : verbose run
-h : help
Uploads the <image name to upload> to <registry>/<docker repository name> (by default the quay.io registry is used for -r)
Logs into registry before pushing the password, and logs out after that.
Uses <user> and environment varialbe DOCKER_REGISTRY_PASSWORD for the password
./scripts/find-replace.sh -s <source filter> -f <from> -t <to> [-v -h]
apply replace to multiple input ifles
-s <source filter> : specify input files; available values: cpp git go java py shell
-f <from> : replace from
-t <to> : replace to
-r : report how many files were changed.
source filter runs find and then it pipes it into gsed to replace it.
link to get-all-resource-in-namespace.sh
./scripts/get-all-resource-in-namespace.sh -
show all kubernetes objects that exist in namspace
-n <namespace> : the namespace (required)
-o : for each of these objects - dump as json (default off)
-h : show help
Usage: ./scripts/ls-deployments.sh -n <namespace> [-v] [-h]
-v : verbose run
-h : help
list the name of all kubernetes deployments in a namespace given by -n option. (if no -n option then applies to all namespaces)
for each deployment it also displays for each container its name, image and command
requires: kubectl and jq
usage: merge_plans.py [-h] [--infile [infile [infile ...]]] [--shows]
[--check] [--sort] [--merge]
Parsing and processing of a structured plan file. My plan files have the
following header followed by text line, up until the next header: regex for
parsing header line: (-+)(\d\d)/(\d\d)/(\d+) (\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)(-+)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--infile [infile [infile ...]], -i [infile [infile ...]]
Input file name
--shows, -s Show the file entries to standard output
--check, -c Check if the file is sorted by date
--sort, -q Sort entries by date an time, print to standard output
--merge, -m Merge two files, on conditio that they are both
filter in pipeline - to remove color escape codes from text stream
Usage: ./scripts/pod-logs.sh -p <podname> [-n <namespace>] [-v] [-h]
-p : <podname> (optional)
-n : <namespace> (optional)
-v : verbose run
-h : help
1) describes the pod (kubectl describe pod <podname> -n <namespace>)
2) for each container in the pod template:
- show the container definition from the template
- show the log for that container as part of the pod
3) if -p is missing then it displays log/info on all pods in the namespace
is supposed to help with debugging pod problems
./scripts/record-screen-cli.sh [-x <x-offset>] [-y <y-offset>] [-f <filename>] [-r <framerate>] [-a <audio src index>] [-v -h]
capture video from screen & record video from a input source.
-f <filename> : output filename to hold the recording. default value: output.mkv
-r <framerate> : recorded framerate. default value 10 frames per second.
-x <x-offset> : x - offset (default value 100 )
-y <y-offset> : y - offset (default value 200 )
-w <second> : wait <seconds> before recording. default value 2
-a <audio idx> : by default a menu is displayed to choose an audio input source.
this option presets an index (1..) from list as the actual choice.
-h : show this help message
-v : verbose tracing.
./scripts/scale-deployment.sh [-v -h] -d <depl.name> [-n <depl.namespace>] -s <inst.count> -t <timeout>
scale a kubernetes deployment
-d <deployment name> : name of deployment object
-n <deployment namespace> : namespce of deployment
-s <number of instances> : number of instances to scale to. zero means stop all pods.
-t <timeout> : default timeout is 30 seconds
Scales a kubernetes deployment and waits for the deployment to reach the desired number of instances.
It waits while there are any pods terminating, and while the number of running pods is not equal to desired scale,
or if the timeout has been reached while waiting for the pods to start.
finds all subdirectories of the current directory that have git repos (that include directory .git)
shows the size of the git repository in human readable form.
this can be usefull when you have to cleanup your disk and make some space.
./scripts/ssh-big.sh -f <big-file1> [-f <big_file2> ..] -r <user@host:/directory> [-i <identity_file>]
compress a set of input file into tar archive (gzipped) and transfer the archive to host via scp; open the tar archive via ssh.
Often the transfer of big files takes a lot of time over a slow connection; this script saves some time by
compressing the big file first.
-i <identity_file> : ssh identity file.
-f <bigfile> : input file (can have multiple)
-r <user@host:/directory> : remote location
./scripts/teenocolor <file>
like tee but removes colors escape codes from the input stream before logging it to the <file>
leaves stdout unaltered.
show how many files were commited to git repo in current dir per month
link to whochangedthisrepolast.sh
for each files in current git repo - show who made the last revision.
also show a summary of how many files were modified last per user
for each files in current git repo - show who made the first revision.
also show a summary of how many files were created per user