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Rob Garrison edited this page Aug 19, 2016 · 2 revisions

Wiki Pages: Home | FAQ | Setup | Options | Events | Theme | Change

Version 1.0.0-alpha (8/19/2016)

  • Core:
    • Use window load event for jQuery v3.0+ compatibility.
    • Add drawCanvas callback & update curve color options. Fixes issue #8.
    • Add finishCurve function. For use inside of the drawCanvas callback.
    • Add redraw method. See issue #8.
    • Clean up CSS & use image URI.
  • Builder:
    • Switch to using drawCanvas callback.
    • Use finishCurve function.
    • Add curve shift controls.
  • Docs & Readme:
    • Update libraries & colors.
    • Make MIT license more prominent.
    • Optimize png images.
  • Extras:
    • Add .git files.
    • Remove BOM from all files.
    • Add grunt build script & dist folder.

Version 0.9.1 alpha (12/7/2011)

  • Added touch device compatibility.
  • Changed the grip "data-degree" attribute to "data-angle". This attribute contains the angle of transformation to rotate the grip.
  • Changed the grip "data-position" attribute to "data-percent". This attribute contains the current percentage distance along the curve of the grip.
  • Added some images for the wiki documentation.

Version 0.9 alpha (12/5/2011)

  • Initial commit
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