So this application is really the 3rd application ive done and coded on my own, I do apologize if it is a little bland or not showing alot.
I ended up having to delete the 1st repo i made of this app and start from scratch due to what started out as non app breaking vulnerabilities (nth-check) and turned into criticals so I started Hogwarts University 2!
the HTML was mainly generated by chatGPT and i proof read and made changes where needed.
CSS is a mixture of BootStrap and CSS animate for special effects and blend. I wanted to do more with the CSS, but i believe the (nth-check) vulnerability ended up causing an Issue when installing certain json packages. In the end It turned out pretty well, My goal was to not over-do it while also, showing what all ive learned.
I utilized react JS in this project due to its simplicity, even more, for the application I really wanted to test my skills at routing and seeing how far i can go with that, The routing was fun I'll be honest, Just due to the fact that it was one of the easier features to apply and it worked How I intended!
In the Navbar, I wanted to Add a Searchbar with a search with search navigation, So that when you search keywords they show up, and I know once enabled i could link the routes like my other buttons then BAM! (well, in theory anyway) It didnt work for me, my solution was to do thorough research on why it didnt work for me and try creating the searchbar in a separate project to see what exactly i am missing.
the second issue was the sign in and sign up. for some odd reason the sign up and sign-in either didnt sync properly to the firestore database or it may have something to do with the vulnerability (nth-check.