A collection of git based challenges for GrizzlyHacks' second git workshop
- Fork this repository to your own account.
- Clone your personal fork.
- Make sure you fetch all of the branches using
git fetch --all
- As you complete each challenge, submit a pull request.
Merge a branch with master
Simply merge the branch "mergeme" with master.
Find the commit that broke master
Inside the master branch, you'll find a script called broken.sh. One of the commits broke this script. You'll need to find the commit ID! Add that commit ID to a new file called "broken.txt".
hint broken.sh was fine at commit "8f4d9f6eb7e579a2cd5611c2dd3a296e96ca555f". The change that broke it came sometime after.
Rebase a branch onto master
There is a branch called "rebaseme". Add it to master without using git merge