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MrPerson edited this page Oct 29, 2013 · 5 revisions

Credits go here
This is still a test lets see how it goes. Maybe updating it once a week? ~Aran Full changelog here: [there should be a link of a more crappy-looking changelog with all the changes, maybe?]


######@Miauw62 updated:

  • You can sit on a photocopier and make copies of your ass. Thanks to Pybro for the sprites!

######@JJRcop updated:

  • Cyborgs can now be deconstructed. To do so, lock the borg down, remove the power cell, and then wrench it apart. Please don't test this on unwilling cyborgs.

######@Neerti updated:

######@Ergovisavi updated:

  • Certain explosions will now light you on fire. Wizards who use fireball should be aware that they can put themselves out by jaunting and have some heat protection in gem-coated hardsuits.

######@Ikarrus updated:

######@Giacom updated:

  • Malf AI's have a new power: Machine Override. Affected machines will come to life and start attacking the worthless flesh sacks.
  • Several lesser-used malf powers were made cheaper.
  • Helpful "?" links added to malf abilities to get more information on the ability before you buy it.

######@Cheridan updated:

  • Centcom is now available for visit as an away mission. It may not be the same as you remember it though.
  • Away missions should work without runtimes. They also have more documentation to help server owners set them up.

######@Giacom updated:

  • A blob tile will light up when it is being pulsed by a core/node, adds crucial visual feedback when placing resources/factories.
  • New shortcuts for the blob. Expand = CTRL Click - Rally = Middle Mouse Click - Create Shield = Alt Click
  • Blobs can now talk to each other and ghosts can hear them. Thanks to /vg/ for this code.
  • Removed the unnecessary AI quarantine code.
  • Formated the blob code to use the standard.

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