This repository hosts the source code for TOMATO, a dynamic food ordering website built with the MERN Stack. It offers a user-friendly platform for seamless online food ordering.
- User Panel:
- Admin Panel:
- User Panel
- Admin Panel
- JWT Authentication
- Password Hashing with Bcrypt
- Stripe Payment Integration
- Login/Signup
- Logout
- Add to Cart
- Place Order
- Order Management
- Products Management
- Filter Food Products
- Login/Signup
- Authenticated APIs
- Role-Based Identification
- Beautiful Alerts
- Hero Section
- Products Section
- Cart Page
- Login Popup
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd Food-Delivery
Install dependencies (frontend)
cd frontend
npm install
Install dependencies (admin)
cd admin
npm install
Install dependencies (backend)
cd backend
npm install
Setup Environment Vaiables
Setup the Frontend and Backend URL
App.jsx in Admin folder const url = YOUR_BACKEND_URL
StoreContext.js in Frontend folder const url = YOUR_BACKEND_URL
orderController in Backend folder const frontend_url = YOUR_FRONTEND_URL
Start the Backend server
nodemon server.js
Start the Frontend server
npm start
Start the Backend server
npm start
The application is deployed on Render.
Contributions are always welcome! Just raise an issue, and we will discuss it.
If you have any feedback, please reach out to me here