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Mubin edited this page Jun 5, 2024 · 2 revisions

MinimalSwayFX is a dynamic and customizable configuration for Sway and SwayFX, which are tiling window managers for Wayland, designed to provide a seamless and efficient user experience. This setup supports a variety of popular themes, making theme installation incredibly easy.

Sway is a tiling window manager and a drop-in replacement for the i3 window manager, but for Wayland instead of X11. SwayFX is an extension of Sway, offering additional features and enhancements for advanced users. MinimalSwayFX leverages both to provide a robust and visually appealing environment.

The setup also includes Waybar, a highly customizable status bar for Sway and other Wayland compositors. This allows users to display system information, notifications, and custom widgets in a sleek and configurable bar.

It also includes support for i3status-rust, a resource-efficient and highly configurable status generator, providing detailed and dynamic status information for your system. But, it's config shall not look as beautiful as waybar.

MinimalSwayFX is config with balance in customization, offering enough options to tailor the environment to your liking without being overwhelming.

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