AWS Lab environment for testing using atmos tooling for terraform and GitHub Actions runner.
This was created using the atmos tooling for Terraform.
Install Docker desktop for the environment to build you the tools needed for deployment. The DevContainer has the full tooling chain.
This lab is used in conjunction with aws-github repo to deploy ansible playbooks into the EC2 instances using github actions and a OIDC github provider. The deployment is done over SSM connections.
For a Generic EC2 Lab
# atmos workflow buildall -f buildall
For a EKS Lab
# atmos workflow eks-buildall -f buildall
Generic EC2 Lab
# atmos workflow teardown -f teardown
For EKS Lab
# atmos workflow eks-teardown -f teardown
It does not teardown the codebuild project, you can uncomment this to do so. Keep in mind it will not removed the github webhook. It must be deleted manually. I don't tear this down usually.
This will create a VPC with two public subnets, two private subnets, and two Database Subnets. It will Create an Internet Gateway for Public Subnets, and a Nat Gateway for the private subnets. There is no internet access for the database subnets.
It will setup SSM session management for the EC2 Hosts, putting endpoints into the private subnets
It will stand up two tiny EC2 instances in the private subnets.
It will create an Identify provider for Github, allowing gitub actions to deploy into the lab environment
After deploying use aws to generate kubeconfig
# aws eks update-kubeconfig --name eks-lab-terraform
This will setup a codebuild project that will fire up a github runner for deployments into the VPC. It will also create the webhook into the repository.
You will need to create a Github Token Secret and reference it in lab.yml. Also update the codebuild/ for the Repo that will recieve the code hook.