The project helps developers to use the access tokens generateted by third-party authentication provider (Google, Microsoft) to authentication with Djnago Applicaiton with viarty of option is the settings to customize.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and can be used for production.
What things you need to install the software and how to install them:
Python Version: 3.8 or 3.9
Enviroment: Pipenv
A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get a development env running.
Create Workplace projectname (Linux, windows)
$ mkdir projectname
Create Virtual Enviroment navigate to projectname
$ python -m install pipenv
$ python -m pipenv install
Activate Virtual Enviroment
$ python -m pipenv shell
$ python -m pip install pipenv
Install python packages
$ python -m pipenv install
Change Djnago Secret Key in the .env file
SECRET_KEY='your secret key'
Add Google and Microsoft Authentication Providers in the .env file
#Authentication Providers
GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID= "your google client ID"
GOOGLE_SECRET= "your google secret key"
MS_CLIENT_ID= "your MS client ID"
MS_SECRET= "your MS secret key"
Customizable Settings
# Needed to login by username in Django admin, regardless of `allauth`
# `allauth` specific authentication methods, such as login by e-mail
AUTH_USER_MODEL = "accounts.User" # User Model to be used in the admin site
SITE_ID = 1 # Set your site ID
ACCOUNT_EMAIL_REQUIRED = True # Use email instead of username
ACCOUNT_USERNAME_REQUIRED = False # Disable Uesrname field for authentication
ACCOUNT_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD = 'email' # Use email to authenticate
ACCOUNT_ADAPTER= 'accounts.adapter.MyCustomAdapter'
SOCIALACCOUNT_ADAPTER= 'accounts.adapter.MyCustomSocialAdapter'
REST_USE_JWT = True # User JWT instead ot Token
JWT_AUTH_COOKIE = 'jwt-auth' # Save jwt as token on client size.
USER_FIRST=True # You have to create the user first before using Google and MS authentication
USER_NOPASSWORD=True # You can Create User without password.
USER_DELETE=False # Allow User Deletion in admin panel
"DEFAULT_RENDERER_CLASSES": ("rest_framework.renderers.JSONRenderer",),
"DEFAULT_PERMISSION_CLASSES": ("rest_framework.permissions.IsAuthenticated",),
# "rest_framework.authentication.BasicAuthentication",
# "rest_framework.authentication.SessionAuthentication",
# "DEFAULT_PAGINATION_CLASS": "rest_framework.pagination.LimitOffsetPagination",
# "PAGE_SIZE": 50,
"DEFAULT_SCHEMA_CLASS": "drf_spectacular.openapi.AutoSchema",
# JWT Settings
from datetime import timedelta
SIMPLE_JWT = { 'ACCESS_TOKEN_LIFETIME': timedelta(minutes=30), }
Install all packages
$ python -m pipenv install
$ python init_pkg
Run Database Migration
$ python migrate
Initiate Super user
$ python init_users
Initiate Authentication Social Applications
$ python init_authprovider
Run Django Server
$ cd projectname/
$ python runserver
Google Auth: Go to http://localhost:8000/auth/google (Use the Access Token)
Microsoft Auth: Go to http://localhost:8000/auth/ms (Use the Access Token)
Check Auth: Go to http://localhost:8000/auth/secure
Google Playground:
$ python -m pip install --upgrade twine
- Copy the latest version of "accounts" app to "accounts_package" folder.
- Update version in setup.cfg:
version = x.x
Update with new installed packages.
Go to "accounts_package" and run the follwoing to build the package:
$ python -m pipenv install build
$ python -m build
generate and copy token and password from
push the package to your repo:
$ python -m pipenv install twine
$ python -m twine upload --repository testpypi dist/*
Packaging Python Projects: