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Multarix edited this page Oct 23, 2019 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the DnD-NPC wiki!

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So what does this thing do?

DnD-NPC allows you to quickly and easily create random NPC's.
The main use for this is to help quickly create an NPC that a DM can adapt into a campaign.

How does it work?

Magic. Just kidding.
It works by taking either user input to determine the character race and class, to then create "random" aspects of an NPC such as their alignment, gender or even weapon.
To see the full information it currently provides, see here.

I don't like X thing about the NPC this created!

And? Nothing stopping you from taking the bits you do like and adapting the NPC to how YOU like it.
Don't like its name? Change it to something you like.
Don't like its weapon? Change it!
As said before, the goal is to help create an NPC that a DM can adapt into their campaign.
I take no offence if you don't like an aspect, I mean it WAS randomly generated.

I just updated to the latest version and X thing broke!

Please check the changelog to make sure this was an intended change.
If it was not, create an issue on the github and I'll take a look at it.
Better yet, if you know whats causing it, fix it and create a pull request!.

Can you make it generate X information?

It depends. I'm not going to generate your characters appearance (aside from gender and age) for instance.
Create an issue on the github with a feature request and I'll take a look at it.

Why do you use role instead of class

Because Javascript hates RPG players.

Can I help contribute to this project?

Sure! Create a fork, make changes, create pull request. Simple as that!