A small package to work with Azure's storage container. It allows to upload and delete files from blob or file shares containers.
Usually is used for deploying static files, such as FE part of the application.
const { deployBlob } = require('azure-node-deploy');
connectionString, // string to connect to specific storage container
storageName = '$web', // specific storageName
from = './', // the path to the target folder we going to deploy from
Usually is used for deploying functions. To use it you need to create a specific storage during the function creation process.
const { deployShareFile } = require('azure-node-deploy');
connectionString, // string to connect to specific storage container
storageName = null, // spicific storage name to deploy to. Keep null to auto getting storage name. Could be usefull if the storage's used only as function's files storage.
from = './', // the path to the target folder we going to deploy from
to = './site/wwwroot/', // the path to the target folder we going to deploy from