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A Web Application made for donation,charity and volunteering.This app allows a person either to be a volunteer and work on field or donate money in the categories mentioned on the index page.They can see how much money and work is done,which is stored in databse. This project was built as a part of hackout a hackathon organized by headout and GeekHaven.

Built With

css3 html5 cplusplus cplusplus cplusplus


Javesh Lodha

Shriyansh Lohiya

Nagendra Kumar

Devendra Kayande


  1. Any IDE (eg. VS Code , Sublime etc).
  2. Node JS
  3. NPM Installer


  • You can clone the repository

    1. Make sure your machine is having internet connection.
    2. Open shell (which ever your OS support) on your PC.
    3. Change drive to the location where you want your project to be copied
    4. Now type or copy-paste the below given commands.
    1. Press Enter and the project will be cloned in you system.
  • You can directly download the zip file and extract it

After extracting the zip file or after cloning the repository

Open the server.js folder and a terminal in it. Run npm install to install all the dependancies and after that run npm start to start server on your local host and port 3000.

Brief Project Structure

-- assets/		
    |-- html/
        |-- index.html            #First webpage of the project
        |--signin.html            #signin page
        |--form.html              #volunteer form
        |-- img/               #Contains images used in the project
        |-- css/              #Contains all ss fyles
        |-- js/                #Contains client side js code
|-- server/
    |-- controller/          #Contains all the controllers of project
        |-- usercontroller.js   #Contains all the functions related to user/donator
        |-- volcontroller.js  #Contains all the functions related to volunteer     
    |-- database/            #To establish connection between database and backend
    |-- route/               #Contains all routes used in project
    |--models/               #Contains all mongoose models for users and volunteers
    |--services/             #Contains the rendering of routes
    |--emails/               #Contains the email sending code
    |--views/                #Contains all .hbs files to render dynamic content on the webpage
|-- server.js            #Main file of server folder

## APIs

| Routes | parameters | body | Description |
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| `POST` /donate-now | | name ,email,category,amount | Allows admin to add donater's name,email,amount and category donated in database and send the email |
| `POST` /volunteer-now | | name ,email,category | Allows admin to add voluntee's name,email and ateory to work for in database and send email to that person|
| `GET` /donate | | | Returns the form for donate page |
| `GET` /volunteer| | | Returns the form for volunteer page |


No description, website, or topics provided.






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