A web application developed using React and Redux that allows users to view a list of books, add new books, and remove selected books. The application has been tested using Jest. It provides users with a simple and convenient way to manage their book collection.
- JavaScrpt
- To clone the repository run
in your terminal - run cd Leaderboard
- run npm install
- run npm run build
- open the app directory using this > cd math-magician
- run npm start to view wbsite
- npm test Launches the test runner in the interactive watch
-Github flow knowledge. -Basic CSS,HTML,JavaScript,React. -Installation of files.
- Set up Github Actions
- Set up linter > Lighthouse . ,Stylelint ,
- Added Eslint
- REACT and redux installations
- npm install to add dependencies after cloning
- npm start to view website in browser
- GitHub: [@NATASHA-ct]((https://github.com/NATASHA-ct)
- Twitter: [@NatashaChirombe]
- LinkedIn: Natasha Chirombe
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
This project is MIT licensed.