ExpandableLayout provides an easy way to create a view called header with an expandable view. Both view are external layout to allow a maximum of customization. You can find a sample that how to use an ExpandableLayout to your layout.
Install-Package Naxam.RippleEffect.Droid
Declare a RippleView inside your XML layout file with a content like an ImageView or whatever.
If you want to know when the Ripple effect is finished, you can set a listener on your view
rippleView.setOnRippleCompleteListener(new RippleView.OnRippleCompleteListener() {
public void onComplete(RippleView rippleView) {
Log.d("Sample", "Ripple completed");
If you want to add an OnClickListener
don't forget to add it to the RippleView like this:
final RippleView rippleView = (RippleView) findViewById(R.id.rippleView);
rippleView.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
//TODO: onRippleViewClick
You can change several attributes in the XML file, you have to remove "rv_" if you are using a version below v1.1.1 :
- app:rv_alpha [integer def:90 0-255] --> Alpha of the ripple
- app:rv_framerate [integer def:10] --> Frame rate of the ripple animation
- app:rv_rippleDuration [integer def:400] --> Duration of the ripple animation
- app:rv_ripplePadding [dimension def:0] --> Add a padding to the ripple
- app:rv_color [color def:@android:color/white] --> Color of the ripple
- app:rv_centered [boolean def:false] --> Center ripple in the child view
- app:rv_type [enum (simpleRipple, doubleRipple) def:simpleRipple] --> Simple or double ripple
- app:rv_zoom [boolean def:false] --> Enable zoom animation
- app:rv_zoomDuration [integer def:150] --> Duration of zoom animation
- app:rv_zoomScale [float def:1.03] --> Scale of zoom animation
For each attribute you can use getters and setters to change values dynamically.
If you want to use the double ripple you have to set a background for the RippleView or for its child.