- No central authority
- No central server
- Everything must run on single-board PC like raspbery PI
- Thin service - thick client
- Many services for different needs
- The server with microservices is called Node
- Every user has one or many keypairs and one current keypair
- User info and user public keys are stored in blockchain
- Node info and node public key are stored in blockchain
- User has keypair(s) to encrypt-descrypt messages and files also sign messages and files.
- The communication between User and User is encrypted and signed also communication between User and Node is encrypted and signed
- The user also can have simmetrical ciphers for different purpuses.
- The Node does not see communication between Users
The Ness Coins generate Coin-Hours and it is main payment method. The User pays with Coin-Hours for time he user the Node.
The Node works on the top of Emercoin and Privateness blockchains.
To install your Node and test it with your User you must do the following:
- Generate User and it's keys
- Generate Node and it's keys
- Generate Node config files
- Install Emercoin wallet
- Add User and Node records in Emercoin Blockchain
- Install Privateness client
- Install Web Server
- Clone Node from GIT repository into configured Web Server directory
- Copy Node config files into ~/.ness directory and edit config files to enstablish connection to Privateness and Emercoin daemons
- RUN Emercoin daemon, Privateness daemon, WEB Server and test the node manualy with WEB browser and with Node Tester.
You need to install Ness Node Tester to generate NODE or and USER.
Both USER and NODE needs to be registered in blockchain and NODE.
git clone https://github.com/NESS-Network/NessNodeTester
install dependencies:
pip install requests pynacl pycryptodome validators lxml
python codegen.py -ng http://my-ness-node.net 24 master-user-name "Test,My test node,Hello world"
python codegen.py --node-generate http://my-ness-node.net 24 master-user-name "Test,My test node,Hello world"
- node URL"Test,My test node,Hello world"
- coma separated tags24
- tariff, ammount of NCH payed to node (master-user address) every 24 hoursmaster-user-name
- username of existing user, which will became owner of funds of this node The generated node keys will be placed inout/node/keys
python codegen.py -ns http://my-ness-node.net
python codegen.py --node-show http://my-ness-node.net
python codegen.py -nsw http://my-ness-node.net
python codegen.py --node-show-worm http://my-ness-node.net
This command will show generated WORM markup to be placed in blockchain.
python configen.py http://my-ness-node.net
The generated config will be placed in out/config
Emercoin blockchain NVS record:
<node type="ness" url="http://my-ness-node.net" nonce="Q3khjWopdxiLpPweVo6+BQ==" verify="Q13IcdGM6CLjH+zZ/EaPgK+2C8igkh8/x0aEgZVVfTw=" public="dJplXPV7cqsC518qg0bJXoWknhqkIZQNTnksVHaSq2E=" master-user="master-user-name" tariff="24" tags="Test,My test node,Hello world">
<!-- Here tags may be different for each type of node or each node -->
- type must be "ness"
- url - URL address of node
- nonce - random cryptographic salt
- public - public key
- verify - verify key
- master-user - name of node admin (admin can withdraw funds earned by funds)
- tariff - tariff, ammount of NCH payed to node (master-user address) every 24 hours
python codegen.py -ug username 10 "1,blowfish,16;1,aes,8" "Hello World,test"
python codegen.py --user-generate username 10 "1,blowfish,16;1,aes,8" "Hello World,test"
python codegen.py -us username
python codegen.py --user-show username
python codegen.py -usw username
python codegen.py --user-show-worm username
Emercoin blockchain record:
<user type="ness" nonce="R04rQis5hP2EfILpAGuU8Q==" tags="Hello World,test">
<key public="rGSy2GhojuHX+4bgE5CtRZnP2OpR7+RJebqGDCNVnlY=" verify="n9SUQ3w4x+YBggUqlN/e26lopaE2rCLmOZK9Cg2zRtc=" current="current" />
<key public="61RxrG8CIOSDfcjLcq+y/dhhMgeyY9I7NdDZTaoQwUs=" verify="FhnIDQZ1XDOaspV4/k+ZADSe5IqkUQCWH53C42qC3XQ="/>
<key public="0DThVjUslwgoZuclc0ueKZYl7r+4rfmUw2bWShyQYU0=" verify="wsvQ8HXjG3P4v9+xhnp1Nc8XhLCTb0WbK3cq9aOCHZk="/>
<key public="QVXITMyfQLg5tVc+ElpVX0FAN3+/nv9nGZDUIVUbiwo=" verify="UZz4azAIqO2WiNMkgkgCMu38Sw8WEOco8C6y3R2Lyuk="/>
<key public="8QHSSL2Hgsm6wfSFaFD+6ODW770Pr8+rdABwGKBo8WA=" verify="xQHkzmniUIDTCFWWOpA9tYzmlF+AmBHCPH5mMSZF+Bw="/>
<key public="EaD4ufAdkRlW7psqAhL+DrGmIVQvR+R9DiaTKzoO4Eg=" verify="wkkDp9PZWj6Dq+65Xjs42zCwkz5BWJvzQt4TE9kIc7o="/>
<key public="kTsf7ZKy0urSGklAxLJWbHOjFtCgFlXSEq4dHDl4GEw=" verify="A2bw4W8CNr2NXBsyDLIrobJh997u90ziaSX1HJTyJNA="/>
<key public="HZGLPz9PukobSM6ALz7PxqBYunimLkqAoa2WwAGrDB8=" verify="gNz9z6ZOcXJgDm1BWbRrCkz4HWJ3EB4IKAO4u/imjTU="/>
<key public="rYsglIKg2ZQf4yfmqjH70vaC0wCjO5mXAdHPwaWcOX4=" verify="1iC81pdum1JRgQ/9j9ceu5QsPVo5VpUjAmwY6LQPM+4="/>
<!-- Here tags may be different for each type of user -->
- verify - verify public key
- public - encryption public key
- nonce - random cryptographic salt
git clone https://github.com/NESS-Network/PyUHEPRNG
Now run the server and it will generate files with random data
python server.py
git clone https://github.com/NESS-Network/privateness
to run Privateness daemon
Execute console commands:
mkdir ~/.ness
cp out/config/*.json ~/.ness
- emer.json - connection to emercoin RPC
- ness.json - Connection to Privateness wallet-daemon
- node.json - auto-generated Node config (URL, tariff and public keys)
- prng.json - PRNG service config (file locations)
- users_addr.json - Node users and their addresses (auto-generated)
You must have Apache or other web server (Tested on Apache)
Goto http://node-url/node/info
and if everything is correct, you will see information about current node in JSON format
All output is made in JSON format. if param result
is error
then the error message is stored in error
param as string if param result
is info
then the info is stored in info
param as array if param result
is data
then the data is stored in data
param as array
All data is sent in HTTP POST or GET request and returned in JSON format
Read more about authentication here and here
Node service is for node administration and displaying service data.
Read more about Node service here
PRNG service is for getting random data from node.
Read more about PRNG service here
This service can upload, download and store files
Read more about Files service here and here
Not implemented yet ...