FYI: Before this class I had zero experience in software development (I am CPA) and couldn't even tell you what an IDE was. It has been a long three months but it was well worth it. Learned a lot and would like to thank Consensys Academy for letting me be part of this new world, this is just the beginning for me. Oh, forgot to give a shoutout to CryptoZombies and DappUniveristy, couldn't have learned any of this without the countless hours I spent on your tutorials.
Create your own Election dapp on the Ethereum blockchain.
Step 1: Clone/copy the repo from Github
Step 2: Install dependencies
- NPM:
- Truffle:
- Ganache:
- Metamask:
Step 3: Run Ganache (local blockchain server)
Step 4: Compile/migrate/test the smart contracts
Step 5: Run metamask: Create an account and import one of the accounts from Ganache into Metamask. Once your connected you should see all of the contract and account data loaded
Step 6: Run the front end of the application: npm run dev