Scheduling as a Service, based on Agenda
Assuming all job types could be thought of as REST endpoints, scheduling could be offered as a service. agenda-rest
does just that, introduce a URL, name it, agenda-rest will call it on the times that you specify.
Install agenda-rest as a global package
npm install -g agenda-rest
To launch the agenda-rest server, use the command line interface specifying the database host name and the database name
agenda-rest --dbhost localhost --dbname agenda
Options | Description |
-d, --dbname |
[optional] Name of the Mongo database, default is agenda |
-h, --dbhost |
[optional] Mongo instance's IP or domain name, default is localhost |
-u, --dburi |
[optional] Full Mongo connection string. If specified, will override --dbhost, --dbname |
-p, --port |
[optional] agenda-rest server port, default is 4040 |
-k, --key |
[optional] x-api-key to be expected in headers. If not specified, access to agenda-rest server would be unauthenticated |
-t, --timeout |
[optional] Timeout for request duration, default is 5000 ms |
-a, --agenda_settings |
[optional] A JSON string containing additional agenda settings. For example '{ "processEvery": "30 seconds" }' |
API Documentation (Postman Generated) available at
Get a list of defined jobs
- Method: GET
Defines a new category of jobs
- Method: POST
- Data:
name, // New job type's name
url, // koa-router style url
method, // (optional) Request type, default: POST
callback: { // (optional) to call with response after invocation
Updates definition of a job category
- Method: PUT
- Data: same as POST
Deletes job definition and cancels occurrences
- Method: DELETE
Schedule a job for single or multiple occurrences
- Method: POST
- Data:
name, // Name of the type to create the instance from
interval, // Interval in which job should be invoked (human-interval, can also be a date string for 'once')
data: { // (optional) default: {}
headers, // Http headers, e.g. { Authorization: '<token>' }
params, // An object i.e. { param1: 'value1' } used to replace path parameters `` => `` notations in the job definition's url.
query, // An object i.e. { foo: 'bar', baz: 'qux' } used to create query parameters (
body // Accompanying data sent along the request
options: { // (optional) Enables passing options to the `every` method in agenda as documented [here](
timezone, // Specify the job execution timezone.
skipImmediate // Don't execute job immidiatly default is `false`.
Callback, if present, would be invoked by the following object:
data: {
// passed data object, same as above
response // response from invocation
Like once
and every
, though without interval
. Executes the job now.
Cancels (not to be confused with 'delete') any jobs matching the query
- Method: POST
- Data: Mongo query
name: "foo"