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Code Structure

kiko-g edited this page Jul 18, 2022 · 1 revision

This section contains an overview of the file and folder structure of the project.

Folder Structure Visualization

Folder Structure Remarks

  • index.ts files are often used for batch exporting, using export instead of export default.

Folder Skeleton Description

  • node_modules: locally installed node packages
  • public: react targeted folder
  • src: source code folder
    • @types: typescript types definition
    • backend: tts backend data fetching logic
    • components: folder with react component files
      • home: homepage components
      • layout: page layout components
      • planner: time table scheduler components
      • exchange: feup exchange components
      • svgs: auxiliar svg components
    • hooks: custom react hooks folder
    • pages: full page components
    • styles: css files with pure css and extracted tailwind classes
    • test: code testing folder
    • utils: auxiliar resources functions
      • data.ts: mock data file
      • index.ts: utility functions used to simplify components

Single File Descriptions

  • src/app.css: global css and tailwind apply directives
  • src/App.tsx: main app component
  • src/index.tsx: react app renderer
  • .env.*: environment file related to the "*" type (local, production, etc.)
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