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Semi-Automatic Reporting of Ordinary Surveys


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saros: Semi-Automatic Reporting of Ordinary Surveys

Lifecycle: experimental Codecov test coverage CRAN status CRAN release CRAN total downloads R-CMD-check


{saros} (Semi-Automatic Reporting of Ordinary Surveys) is an R package designed to handle repeating surveys within the same project that occur annually or biannually. It aims to automate the process of summarizing and reporting on survey data, helping researchers save time and maintain consistency across survey iterations. Specifically, {saros} produces highly customizable figures, text, analyses and reports for a batch of possible dependent-independent relations of possible interest.

Connection to the Astronomical concept of Saros

The term “saros” also refers to a cyclical phenomenon in astronomy known as the Saros cycle, which represents a period of approximately 18 years, 11 days, and 8 hours. After one Saros cycle, the Sun, Earth, and Moon return to approximately the same relative positions, leading to a similar eclipse.

  • Cyclical occurrences: In the case of this R package, cyclical events relates to surveys that are repeated annually or biannually, while in astronomy, cyclical events refers to the recurring pattern of eclipses.

  • Consistency: The saros R package aims to maintain consistency in reporting and analysis across survey iterations, just as the astronomical Saros cycle represents a predictable pattern in the occurrence of solar and lunar eclipses.

  • Time-saving: The saros R package is designed to automate and streamline the process of summarizing and reporting on survey data, saving researchers time and effort. Similarly, the Saros cycle is a useful tool for astronomers to predict and plan for future eclipses, making it easier to study these events without having to make complex calculations each time.


The development version from GitHub with:


Draft a report

# Define temporary folder for storing the elements
output_index_qmd <-
  draft_report(chapter_overview = ex_survey_ch_overview, 
             data = ex_survey, 
             mesos_var = "f_uni",
             path = tempdir()
#> Refining chapter_overview...Not using the following variables in `data`: `x2_human`, `a_7`, `a_8`, and
#> `resp_status`.                             Generating for chapter Introduction: 1_Introduction                                                    Generating for chapter Ambivalence: 2_Ambivalence                                                  Generating for chapter Big mysteries: 3_Big_mysterie                                                     Generating for chapter Confidence: 4_Confidence                                                Generating for chapter Doubt: 5_Doubt                                      
#> 200.06 28.83 275.59 NA NA
quarto::quarto_render(output_index_qmd, as_job = FALSE)
#> pandoc 
#>   to: html
#>   output-file: index.html
#>   standalone: true
#>   section-divs: true
#>   html-math-method: mathjax
#>   wrap: none
#>   default-image-extension: png
#> metadata
#>   document-css: false
#>   link-citations: true
#>   date-format: long
#>   lang: en
#>   authors:
#>     - Ernst Hemmingway
#>     - Agatha Christie
#>     - Mark Twain
#>     - Stephen King
#>     - .na.character
#> Output created: index.html
if(interactive()) {
  browseURL(fs::path(tempdir(), "index.html"))
output_index_qmd <-
  draft_report(chapter_overview = 
                               indep = ifelse(.data$indep == "x1_sex",
              data = ex_survey[ex_survey$f_uni %in% c("Uni of A", "Uni of B"), ], 
               title = "My first report - ",
               mesos_var = "f_uni",
               label_separator = " - ",
               name_separator = "_",
              organize_by = c("chapter", ".element_name", ".variable_label_prefix_dep", ".variable_label_prefix_indep"),
               index_filename = "main_index.qmd",
               data_label = "percentage_bare",
               always_show_bi_for_indep = "x1_sex",
               totals = TRUE,
               hide_label_if_prop_below = .05, 
               hide_test_if_n_below = 10,
               mesos_first = TRUE,
               digits = 0,
               data_label_decimal_symbol = ",",
             path = tempdir())
#> Refining chapter_overview...Not using the following variables in `data`: `a_7`,
#> `a_8`, and `resp_status`. Generating for chapter Introduction: 1_Introduction
#> Generating for chapter Ambivalence: 2_Ambivalence Generating for chapter Big
#> mysteries: 3_Big_mysterie Generating for chapter Confidence: 4_Confidence
#> Generating for chapter Doubt: 5_Doubt
#> 216.97 32.25 296.64 NA NA
system.time( # 519 sec
  for(file in output_index_qmd) {
    quarto::quarto_render(file, as_job = TRUE)
#> pandoc 
#>   to: html
#>   output-file: main_index.html
#>   standalone: true
#>   section-divs: true
#>   html-math-method: mathjax
#>   wrap: none
#>   default-image-extension: png
#> metadata
#>   document-css: false
#>   link-citations: true
#>   date-format: long
#>   lang: en
#>   authors:
#>     - Ernst Hemmingway
#>     - Agatha Christie
#>     - Mark Twain
#>     - Stephen King
#>     - .na.character
#> Output created: main_index.html
#>    user  system elapsed 
#>    0.00    0.00    6.02
if(interactive()) {
  browseURL(fs::path(tempdir(), "Uni of C", "Uni of C_main_index.html"))


Please see the documentation.

IMPORTANT: saros is free, except in Norway

Outside of Norway, this package can be used in accordance with the MIT license. However, persons affiliated with Norwegian non-profit or profit/commercial organizations must have the explicit written permission from the author for use. Simply put, if your department/organization competes with NIFU on commissioned or open research calls within Norway, you are probably not going to get permission unfortunately.

Code of Conduct

Please note that the saros project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.