The NWPS API Jupyter Notebooks enable easy user orientation and access. They give practical applications of different uses cases for the specific service. Further, they allow real time execution and results giving immediate understanding of the inputs and outputs of the API.
The Hydrologic Ensemble Forecast Service (HEFS) is a system developed by the National Weather Service (NWS) to provide ensemble streamflow predictions. HEFS has been implemented at NWS River Forecast Centers (RFCs) for over 3,000 locations throughout the United States. HEFS integrates meteorological forecasts with hydrologic modeling to produce probabilistic streamflow forecasts and other hydrological variables. The system assesses the potential impacts of high-flow events and assesses flood risk. Most importantly, HEFS is a valuable tool for decision-makers and emergency managers by providing them with the necessary information to make informed decisions about water-related activities and potential flood hazards.
The HEFS API provides access to real-time and historical NWS HEFS forecasts for NWS forecasters/users, external partners, stakeholders, and customers via a publicly available data service endpoint.
The Jupyter Notebooks provide examples on how to access the HEFS data. For example, see below to view 0_executive_overview.ipynb:
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