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Debezium OpenShift Edge-To-Cloud Demo

The purpose of this demo is to illustrate how simple it is to create data pipelines between the edge and the cloud on Kubernetes. This project includes the following open-source projects:

  • OpenShift, an industry-leading hybrid cloud application platform powered by Kubernetes.
  • Strimzi, provides the ability to run Apache Kafka and Kafka Connect on Kubernetes.
  • Debezium, a CDC platform for capturing changes from database transaction logs.
  • Apicurio Registry, a high performance, runtime registry for API designs and schemas.
  • UI for Apache Kafka, an open-source web-based user interface for managing Apache Kafka.
  • Elasticvue, an open-source GUI for Elasticsearch as a browser extension.
  • PostgreSQL, a high performance open-source relational database.
  • Elasticsearch, an open-source, distributed REST-based search engine.
  • Elasticsearch Sink Connector, an open-source Elasticsearch Kafka sink connector.


  1. This demo assumes that you have already provisioned an OpenShift cluster. If you have not provisioned a cluster, please do so now as the remainder of this document assumes that OpenShift is available and that you have authenticated using oc login.
  2. Create a project namespace of your choice. Throughout this document, it will be referred to as your-namespace.


The following section will cover the installation of the various components used in this demo.

Docker Secret

This demo requires access to and container registries. There are several configuration files that require a secret called docker-secret that contains credentials to these two registries.

Assuming that you have your Docker configuration at ~/.docker/config.json, execute the following command:

oc create secret generic docker-secret \
  --from-file=.dockerconfigjson=<path>/.docker/config.json \ \
  -n <your-namespace>


Strimzi provides the ability to run Apache Kafka and its Connect runtime on Kubernetes. To be able to use the Strimzi operator to coordinate the deployment of Kafka and Kafka Connect clusters, the operator must first be installed.

  1. Open your OpenShift's web console and navigate to Operators > OperatorHub.
  2. Search for Strimzi, click the operator, follow the prompts, clicking the Install button. Accept all the default configuration settings when presented.

Once the installation completes, click View Operator to be taken to the Strimzi operator page. To come back to this page later, you navigate to Operators > Installed Operators, and then click on Strimzi.

It's important to note that if you want to see deployments of your Kafka clusters, Connect clusters, or connectors, you can come to this screen and click Strimzi. The following screen will show a top-level menu with links to Kafka, Kafka Connect, and Kafka Connector tabs that each list the deployed components. These screens allow you to quickly see the deployment status should a connector fail to deploy.

We won't be using the operator page to install Strimzi components for this demo; however, you certainly could. Instead, these will be installed later by applying YAML configurations.

Apache Kafka

To install the Apache Kafka broker, we're going to use the Strimzi operator that was installed above. This installation uses ephemeral storage by default, so if you need persistent storage, you'll need to adjust the kafka/kafka-cluster.yaml file accordingly.

In a terminal window, execute the following:

oc apply -f kafka/kafka-cluster.yaml -n <your-namespace>

The above will create a Kafka cluster named kafka-cluster in your namespace. When looking at the Workloads > Pods view in OpenShift, you will eventually see several pods started, and there will be 3 that are prefixed with kafka-cluster-zookeep-<#> and another 3 prefixed with kafka-cluster-kafka-<#>.

You can also check the deployment status of the broker by navigating to Operators > Installed Operators, click Strimzi followed by clicking the Kafka tab. When the broker is successfully deployed and running, the status column should read "Condition: Ready". If the broker does not deploy successfully, you can click on kafka-cluster and look at the conditions near the end of the view to see the failure reason in the "Message" column.

Kafka UI

This demo uses the UI for Apache Kafka to have an easy way to view Kafka topics and the messages that are written to those topics. To use the Kafka UI, we are going to deploy a pre-built container image provectuslabs/kafka-ui:latest and expose this as a service on OpenShift on port 8080. However, the Kafka UI requires prior knowledge of the Apache Kafka broker's endpoint, which we'll need to set in the kafka/kafka-ui.yaml file before we apply the configuration.

In a terminal window, execute the following:

oc apply -f kafka/kafka-ui.yaml -n <your-namespace>

Once the Kafka UI is deployed, you should be able to access the Kafka UI by navigating to http://kafka-ui-service.<your-cluster-hostname>. If you're not entirely sure what the URL may be, you can also navigate to the Topology screen in the developer view of the OpenShift console, locate the kafka-ui pod, and click the arrow to open the application's URL.

Apicurio Registry

Apicurio Registry is a high performance, runtime registry where the deployed Debezium connectors will write the event schemas. A schema registry provides multiple benefits including data validation, compatibility checking, versioning, and evolution. It simplifies the development and maintenance of data pipelines and reduces the risk of data compatibility issues, data corruption, and data loss.

This demo requires the Apicurio Registry Operator.

export NAMESPACE="<your-namespace>"
cat schema-registry/apicurio-2.4.3-install.yaml | sed "s/apicurio-registry-operator-namespace/$NAMESPACE/g" | oc apply -f -

This will install all the necessary components for Apicurio's Schema Registry so that it can be used by the source and sink Kafka connectors.

Next, storage needs to be configured for Apicurio. This demo will use a Kafka topic as the persistence layer for the schema registry.

In a terminal window, execute the following:

oc apply -f schema-registry/kafkasql.yaml -n <your-namespace>


Before the Elasticsearch search engine can be installed, several pre-requisite steps must be performed. In a terminal window, execute the following:

oc apply -f -n <your-namespace>
oc apply -f -n <your-namespace>

At this point, the Elasticsearch custom resource definitions and the operator have been added, so you can safely deploy the Elasticsearch search engine. The configuration for Elasticsearch can be found in elasticsearch/es.yaml. This configuration will add a subdomain elastic-search to your OpenShift cluster's host.

In a terminal window, execute the following:

oc apply -f elasticsearch/es.yaml -n <your-namespace>

You may have noticed that this configuration also specifies a secret called elastic-search-es-elastic-user. This must be defined prior to deploying the Elasticsearch engine so that it does not generate a random password for the elastic user account. This demo uses the username elastic with a password of elastic.

Once this is deployed, you should be able to open a browser and go to http://elastic-search.<your-cluster-hostname>. If it prompts you to log into the application, provide the username and password of elastic. This should show an output from Elasticsearch that looks similar to the following:

  "name" : "elastic-search-es-default-0",
  "cluster_name" : "elastic-search",
  "cluster_uuid" : "TRNKemjfRoq7Loo-rIoksg",
  "version" : {
    "number" : "8.10.0",
    "build_flavor" : "default",
    "build_type" : "docker",
    "build_hash" : "e338da74c79465dfdc204971e600342b0aa87b6b",
    "build_date" : "2023-09-07T08:16:21.960703010Z",
    "build_snapshot" : false,
    "lucene_version" : "9.7.0",
    "minimum_wire_compatibility_version" : "7.17.0",
    "minimum_index_compatibility_version" : "7.0.0"
  "tagline" : "You Know, for Search"

If you don't see this, you may want to examine the logs to see what may have failed during the deployment and start-up of Elasticsearch.

PostgreSQL (source database)

This demo will be illustrating capturing changes from a source PostgreSQL database using Debezium. For simplicity, we're going to make use of a Debezium pre-configured PostgreSQL container, The database will use postgres as the user, password, and main database names.

To apply the PostgreSQL configuration, execute the following in a terminal:

oc apply -f databases/postgres.yaml -n <your-namespace>

Kafka Connect

To run source and sink connectors in the data pipeline requires a Kafka Connect cluster. This demo defines the configuration for the cluster in the kafka/connect-cluster.yaml file. The configuration file defines several plug-ins that will be added to the base Kafka Connect cluster as a build step.

To install the connect cluster in a terminal window, execute the following:

export NAMESPACE="<your-namespace>"
cat kafka/connect-cluster.yaml | sed "s/connect-cluster-namespace/$NAMESPACE/g" | oc apply -f -


At this point, all the infrastructure components have been installed, and now it's time to deploy the data pipeline connectors. In this demo, we're going to use Debezium's PostgreSQL connector to capture changes from a relational database and the Elasticsearch connector to publish changes from Kafka into Elasticsearch. There will not be any type of aggregation or transformation done to the data, and it will simply reflect an identical structure in the search index as is in the relational database.

Source Connector

The Debezium PostgreSQL connector's details are defined in connectors/source-postgres-connector.yaml.

In a terminal window, apply the PostgreSQL connector by executing the following:

oc apply -f connectors/source-postgres-connector.yaml -n <your-namespace>

You can navigate to Operators > Installed Operators in the OpenShift web console and click on Strimzi followed by Kafka Connectors. In this view, you should eventually see the status change from "-" to "Condition: Ready" status; however, if you notice anything, you can click on the connector name and see what the failure is near the bottom.

If the connector was deployed successfully, you can now navigate to the Kafka UI's web interface and click on Current Demo > Topics. You should eventually see the following topics created:

  • server1.inventory.customers
  • server1.inventory.geom
  • server1.inventory.orders
  • server1.inventory.products
  • server1.inventory.products_on_hand

You can click on the topic name followed by clicking the Messages tab near the top and see all messages that were published to the topic. In the Filters tab, be sure to use the option SchemaRegistry for both the value and the key. This will allow the Kafka UI to deserialize the data and display using the schema associated with that message from the Schema Registry.

Under the scene, for each topic, a new schema has been created for both, the message value and the key value in the Schema Registry which enables powerful features like schema evolution.

This is possible using Apicurio Registry thanks to the Schema Registry compatibility API that enables using tooling like Kafka UI.

Sink connector

The elastic search sink connector's configuration is defined in connectors/sink-es-connectors.yaml. This will define a sink connector for each of the topics defined in Kafka and write the data to a unique index per topic.

In a terminal window, apply the Elasticsearch connectors by executing the following:

oc apply -f connectors/sink-es-connectors.yaml -n <your-namespace>

You can navigate to Operators > Installed Operators in the OpenShift web console and click on Strimzi followed by Kafka Connectors. In this view, you should eventually see the statuses change from "-" to "Condition: Ready" status; however, if you notice anything, you can click on the connector name and see what the failure is near the bottom.

If the connectors were deployed successfully, let's take a look and see if the data is in Elasticsearch. You can either manually navigate to the Elasticsearch engine and query the indices yourself, but we're going to utilize a small Chrome extension that provides an easy-to-use interface for Elasticsearch.

In Chrome, install this extension:

You will need to provide the following details for the extension:

  • Username: elastic
  • Password: elastic
  • URI: http://elastic-search.<your-cluster-hostname>/

Once configured, navigate to the Indices tab, and you should notice 5 indices have been created:

  • server1.inventory.customers
  • server1.inventory.geom
  • server1.inventory.orders
  • server1.inventory.products
  • server1.inventory.products_on_hand

By clicking on an index, such as server1.inventory.customers, you'll be directed to a view that shows several columns for each document in the index.

_index                          _type   _id     _sc id      first_name  last_name   email                       __deleted
------------------------------- ------- ------- --- ------- ----------- ----------- --------------------------- -----------
server1.inventory.customers     _doc    1001    1   1001    Sally       Thomas      [email protected]       false
server1.inventory.customers     _doc    1002    1   1002    George      Bailey      [email protected]          false
server1.inventory.customers     _doc    1003    1   1003    Edward      Walker      [email protected]               false
server1.inventory.customers     _doc    1004    1   1004    Anne        Kretchmar   [email protected]          false

Using the demo

The data that is currently shown in the Kafka UI and Elasticsearch is the existing example data that Debezium captured as part of the source connector's snapshot. In this section, we're going to manipulate the data and see how the data flows through the pipeline at lightning speeds.

Open a terminal connection to the postgres pod by executing the following:

oc rsh postgres

To login to the PostgreSQL database, run psql --user postgres --password postgres. The pasword is postgres.

At the SQL terminal, you can execute select * from inventory.customers;, and you should get the following:

  id  | first_name | last_name |         email         
 1001 | Sally      | Thomas    | [email protected]
 1002 | George     | Bailey    | [email protected]
 1003 | Edward     | Walker    | [email protected]
 1004 | Anne       | Kretchmar | [email protected]
(4 rows)

Now insert a new row by executing:

insert into inventory.customers values (1005, 'John', 'Doe', '[email protected]');

In the web browser, navigate to the Kafka UI endpoint and view the messages for the topic server1.inventory.customers. You'll notice that there is now a new message that was appended, and the value preview should show that it is related to the new customer we added named John Doe.

Also, in the web browser, navigate to the Elasticvue UI and reload the documents in the server1.inventory.customers index. You'll notice that there is now a new document that was added as follows:

_index                          _type   _id     _sc id      first_name  last_name   email                       __deleted
------------------------------- ------- ------- --- ------- ----------- ----------- --------------------------- -----------
server1.inventory.customers     _doc    1001    1   1001    Sally       Thomas      [email protected]       false
server1.inventory.customers     _doc    1002    1   1002    George      Bailey      [email protected]          false
server1.inventory.customers     _doc    1003    1   1003    Edward      Walker      [email protected]               false
server1.inventory.customers     _doc    1004    1   1004    Anne        Kretchmar   [email protected]          false
server1.inventory.customers     _doc    1005    1   1005    John        Doe         [email protected]                false

Now, let's update John's record by changing his email address to see how that flows through the pipeline. Back in the SQL terminal, execute the following SQL:

UPDATE inventory.customers SET email = '[email protected]' where id = 1005;

In the Kafka UI, you'll notice a new message was added to the topic that looks slightly different from the former events. This event is an update and includes details about the before and after state of the record. You can see a reference to the old email [email protected] and the new email [email protected].

Finally, when checking the Elasticvue UI for the server1.inventory.customers index, we now see the following:

_index                          _type   _id     _sc id      first_name  last_name   email                       __deleted
------------------------------- ------- ------- --- ------- ----------- ----------- --------------------------- -----------
server1.inventory.customers     _doc    1001    1   1001    Sally       Thomas      [email protected]       false
server1.inventory.customers     _doc    1002    1   1002    George      Bailey      [email protected]          false
server1.inventory.customers     _doc    1003    1   1003    Edward      Walker      [email protected]               false
server1.inventory.customers     _doc    1004    1   1004    Anne        Kretchmar   [email protected]          false
server1.inventory.customers     _doc    1005    1   1005    John        Doe         [email protected]       false

John's email address has now changed from [email protected] to [email protected].

Lastly, let's test what happens when deleting this customer from the source database. In the SQL terminal, execute the following:

DELETE FROM inventory.customers WHERE id = 1005;

In the Kafka UI, you'll notice that 2 new messages were added to the topic. The one with data in the value portion of the event is the delete operation, which provides the previous record state. The second with no value is a tombstone, which signals Kafka that it is safe to remove all messages with the key (ID=1005) when compaction runs.

In the Elasticvue UI, you'll see that the document for John Doe has been removed and that all that remains is:

_index                          _type   _id     _sc id      first_name  last_name   email                       __deleted
------------------------------- ------- ------- --- ------- ----------- ----------- --------------------------- -----------
server1.inventory.customers     _doc    1001    1   1001    Sally       Thomas      [email protected]       false
server1.inventory.customers     _doc    1002    1   1002    George      Bailey      [email protected]          false
server1.inventory.customers     _doc    1003    1   1003    Edward      Walker      [email protected]               false
server1.inventory.customers     _doc    1004    1   1004    Anne        Kretchmar   [email protected]          false


These open-source projects provide a very flexible and reliable way to move data between the edge and the cloud or vice versa. However, this demo only scratched the surface of the capabilities within these projects.

Out of the box, they also provide you with the ability to transform data event-by-event using single message transformations. We utilized a few transformations in the connector YAML files to convert the data into desired formats; however, there are dozens of out-of-the-box transformations available to you, and you can create your own to fit your use case. Additionally, Kafka provides stream processing, where you can aggregate data from multiple topics and events and much more.

Finally, all of these projects seamlessly integrate on Kubernetes to take advantage of its automation, scaling, reliability, and management features.


Debezium OpenShift Edge to Cloud Demo






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