This is a Simple yet effective Text collaboration platform where people can type and discuss at the same time - developed by using React , Node , Express and mongoDB
You can find the repo for the Text Editor here
You need Node & Yarn to start the development environment. Download them here - Node, Yarn.
Clone the repository and run the following commands
To Start the server run the following commands once you have cloned the repository
npm install
node server.js
Now open another terminal and run the following commands
cd client
npm install
yarn start
- For collaborative feature of text editing we have used the YJS framework. Yjs is a CRDT implementation that exposes its internal data structure as shared types.
- YJS establishes a P2P connection in which users visiting the website can communicate with each other
- It supports many existing rich text editors, offline editing, version snapshots, undo/redo and shared cursors.
For the Text editor we have used Quill