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Phase 3 - Patch Support Extension.
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i) Added Remove Jobs From Booking patch
ii) Added Output folder (using a dummy file)
  • Loading branch information
Neo-Mind committed Dec 24, 2015
1 parent 8181121 commit 775822f
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Showing 5 changed files with 208 additions and 2 deletions.
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions Input/bookingSkipList.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
# This file should contain the set of MsgString Line numbers corresponding to Job Names
# that needs to be skipped while loading the Party Booking Window.
# Msg String Line Numbers 1630-1688 are the Job Names.
# As an example we have skipped over the entire Archer branch

1632 //Archer
1640 //Hunter
1647 //Bard
1648 //Dancer
1651 //Ranger
1657 //Minstrel
1658 //Wanderer
1664 //High Archer
1672 //Sniper
1679 //Clown
1680 //Gypsy
Empty file added Output/dummy.txt
Empty file.
188 changes: 188 additions & 0 deletions Patches/RemoveJobsFromBooking.qs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
//# Purpose: Hijack the MsgStr function call inside the Booking OnCreate #
//# function which loads comboboxes for testing the ID against #
//# our list and skip iteration if present. #

function RemoveJobsFromBooking() {

//Step 1a - Find the MsgStr call used for Job Name loading.
var code =
" 8D AB 5D 06 00 00" //LEA reg32_A, [reg32_B + 65D]
+ " 03 AB" //ADD reg32_B, reg32_C
+ " 89 AB AB" //MOV DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-const1], reg32_A
+ " 89 AB AB" //MOV DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-const2], reg32_B
+ " 8B AB AB" //MOV EAX, DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-const1]
+ " 50" //PUSH EAX
+ " E8" //CALL MsgStr
var type = 1; //VC6
var offset = exe.findCode(code, PTYPE_HEX, true, "\xAB");

if (offset === -1) {
code =
" 8D 49 00" //LEA ECX, [ECX]
+ " 8D AB 5D 06 00 00" //LEA reg32_A, [reg32_B + 65D]
+ " AB" //PUSH reg32_A
+ " E8" //CALL MsgStr
type = 2; //VC9 & VC11
offset = exe.findCode(code, PTYPE_HEX, true, "\xAB");

if (offset === -1) {
code =
" 8B AB AB" //MOV reg32_A, DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-const]
+ " 81 AB 5D 06 00 00" //ADD reg32_A, 65D
+ " AB" //PUSH reg32_A
+ " E8" //CALL MsgStr
type = 3; //VC10
offset = exe.findCode(code, PTYPE_HEX, true, "\xAB");

if (offset === -1)
return "Failed in Step 1a - Loop Beginning missing";

offset += code.hexlength();

//Step 1b - Extract the MsgStr address
var MsgStr = exe.Raw2Rva(offset + 4) + exe.fetchDWord(offset);

//Step 1c - Get Pattern for finding end of the loop (We need to RETN to location before Loop counter increment which is what jmpOff is for)
switch (type) {
case 1: {
code =
" 83 C4 04" //ADD ESP, 4
+ " 8B AB AB" //MOV reg32_A, DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-const1]
+ " 8B AB AB" //MOV reg32_B, DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-const2]
+ " AB" //INC reg32_A
+ " AB" //INC reg32_B
+ " 89 AB AB" //MOV DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-const3],reg32_C
+ " 89 AB AB" //MOV DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-const4],reg32_C
+ " 89 AB AB" //MOV DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-const5],reg32_C
+ " 89 AB AB" //MOV DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-const1],reg32_A
+ " 89 AB AB" //MOV DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-const2],reg32_B
+ " 0F 85 AB FF FF FF" //JNZ addr
var jmpOff = 3;

case 2: {
if (exe.getClientDate() < 20140000) {//VC9
code =
" FF 15 AB AB AB 00" //CALL DWORD PTR DS:[<&MSVCP#.$basic*>]
+ " AB" //INC reg32_A
+ " 83 6C 24 AB 01" //SUB DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+const], 1
+ " 75" //JNZ SHORT addr
var jmpOff = 6;
else {//VC11
code =
" 83 C4 04" //ADD ESP, 4
+ " AB" //INC reg32_A
+ " C7 45 AB 0F 00 00 00" //MOV DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-const1], 0F
+ " C7 45 AB 00 00 00 00" //MOV DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-const2], 0
+ " C6 45 AB 00" //MOV BYTE PTR SS:[EBP-const3], 0
+ " AB" //DEC reg32_B
+ " 0F 85 AB FF FF FF" //JNZ addr
var jmpOff = 3;
case 3: {//VC10
code =
" AB 01 00 00 00" //MOV reg32_A, 1
+ " 01 AB AB" //ADD DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-const1], reg32_A
+ " 29 AB AB" //SUB DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-const2], reg32_A
+ " C7 45 AB AB 00 00 00" //MOV DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-const3], 0F
+ " 89 AB AB" //MOV DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-const4], reg32_B
+ " 88 AB AB" //MOV BYTE PTR SS:[EBP-const5], reg8_B
+ " 75" //JNZ SHORT addr
var jmpOff = 0;

//Step 1d - Find the pattern
var retAddr = exe.findCode(code, PTYPE_HEX, true, "\xAB", offset + 5, offset + 0x100);
if (retAddr === -1)
return "Failed in Step 1b - Loop End missing";

//Step 1e - Get RVA of location to RETN to.
retAddr = exe.Raw2Rva(retAddr + jmpOff);

//Step 2a - Get the Skip List file from User
var fp = new TextFile();
var inpFile = GetInputFile(fp, "$bookingList", "File Input - Remove Jobs From Booking", "Enter the Booking Skip List file", APP_PATH + "/Input/bookingSkipList.txt");
if (!inpFile)
return "Patch Cancelled";

//Step 2b - Extract all the IDs from List file to an Array
var idSet = [];
while (!fp.eof()) {
var line = fp.readline().trim();
if (line.match(/^\d+/)) {
var id = parseInt(line);
if (id < 0x65D) continue;

//Step 2c - Add NULL at end of the Array
idSet.push(" 00 00");

//Step 3a - Prep code for our function to check the ID
code =
" 50" //PUSH EAX
+ " 51" //PUSH ECX
+ " 52" //PUSH EDX
+ " 8B 44 24 10" //MOV EAX, DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+10]; Arg0
+ " 40" //INC EAX ; Needed because the ids start from 0
+ " B9" + GenVarHex(1) //MOV ECX, listaddr
+ " 0F B7 11" //MOVZX EDX, WORD PTR DS:[ECX] ; addr3
+ " 85 D2" //TEST EDX, EDX
+ " 74 08" //JE SHORT addr1
+ " 39 D0" //CMP EAX, EDX
+ " 74 0C" //JE SHORT addr2
+ " 41" //INC ECX
+ " 41" //INC ECX
+ " EB F1" //JMP SHORT addr3
+ " 5A" //POP EDX
+ " 59" //POP ECX
+ " 58" //POP EAX
+ " E9" + GenVarHex(2) //JMP MsgStr
+ " 5A" //POP EDX
+ " 59" //POP ECX
+ " 58" //POP EAX
+ " 83 C4 08" //ADD ESP, 8
+ " 68" + GenVarHex(3) //PUSH retAddr
+ " C3" //RETN

//Step 3b - Allocate space for the IDs and the Function
var size = idSet.length * 2 + code.hexlength();
var free = exe.findZeros(size);
if (free === -1)
return "Failed in Step 3 - Not enough free space"

var freeRva = exe.Raw2Rva(free);

//Step 3c - Fill in the blanks
code = ReplaceVarHex(code, 1, freeRva);
code = ReplaceVarHex(code, 2, MsgStr - (freeRva + size - 12));
code = ReplaceVarHex(code, 3, retAddr);

//Step 4a - Insert the data and function in Allocated space
exe.insert(free, size, idSet.join("") + code, PTYPE_HEX);

//Step 4b - Change the MsgStr CALL with a CALL to our function.
exe.replaceDWord(offset, (freeRva + idSet.length * 2) - exe.Raw2Rva(offset + 4));

return true;
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion Patches/_patchlist.qs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -325,4 +325,6 @@ registerPatch(218, "ShowExpNumbers", "Show Exp Numbers", "Custom", 0, "Neo", "Sh

registerPatch(219, "ShowResurrectionButton", "Always Show Resurrection Button", "Custom", 15, "Neo", "Make the client always show Resurrection button with Token of Ziegfried in inventory irrespective of map type", false);

registerPatch(220, "DisableMapInterface", "Disable Map Interface", "Custom", 0, "Neo", "Disable the World View (Full Map) Interface", false);
registerPatch(220, "DisableMapInterface", "Disable Map Interface", "Custom", 0, "Neo", "Disable the World View (Full Map) Interface", false);

registerPatch(221, "RemoveJobsFromBooking", "Remove Jobs from Booking", "Custom", 0, "Neo", "Removes user specified set of Job Names from Party Booking Window.", false);
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lastcommit.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1 +1 @@
2015-12-23 17:17:07 GMT+0530
2015-12-24 17:56:07 GMT+0530

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