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a cli tool to try out advanced computation operations

deps: pip install pyyaml click numpy matplotlib pillow

to use clone the project or copy src/


This code suite implements a classical HPC (High Performance Computing) approach, borrowing inspiration from quantum theoretical concepts (e.g., Morphotensorial Field Theory, doping-layers, multi-qudit states, and random HPC noise). It does not run on actual quantum hardware. Instead, it simulates “quantum-like” processes to produce results that might interest:

  1. Professionals who want HPC concurrency and doping-layers toggles for fast experiments.
  2. Students exploring quantum-inspired or HPC-based methods, but who don’t have quantum hardware access.

The code’s major goals include:

  • Running param sweeps (dimensions & protection levels) with HPC concurrency.
  • Generating glitch-art images by applying HPC doping-based transformations to input pictures.
  • Testing various noise models (Gaussian, 1/f, random_telegraph) at user-specified doping strengths and protection levels.

Core Principles

  1. Quantum-Like HPC

    • We treat each qudit (multi-level quantum unit) in HPC memory, performing random gates and partial decoherence.
    • (ψ=44.8, ξ=3721.8, τ=64713.97, ε=0.28082, φ=1.61803) are approximate constants from a theoretical framework.
    • The HPC doping-layers offset or scale coherence times, gating random transformations.
  2. Doping-Layers

    • Each doping layer modifies HPC “coherence” or “energy.” You can specify doping strengths, doping correlation distance, etc.
    • HPC doping is purely a classical approach to randomizing or scaling parameters used in the code’s “quantum” logic.
  3. Noise Models

    • Gaussian: Adds normal-distributed perturbations to HPC gates.
    • 1/f (flicker): Reduces noise amplitude as the “time parameter” grows.
    • Random Telegraph: Occasionally flips sign (±) in HPC gates.
  4. Protection Levels

    • An integer 1–5, each specifying a HPC environment’s approximate “error correction.”
    • Higher levels might reduce HPC decoherence, but you might still see surprising outcomes if doping or dimension is large.

Usage Overview

  1. Install Dependencies

    • Python 3, plus numpy, matplotlib, PIL (Pillow), click, and yaml.
  2. CLI Commands
    The script has multiple subcommands. Each subcommand addresses a distinct HPC scenario:

    a) show-constants

    • Prints fundamental HPC constants (ψ, ξ, τ, ε, φ).
    • Optionally merges doping-layers offsets from a YAML config if --config.

    b) inject-data

    • Reads doping or HPC environment offsets from a YAML/JSON file, storing them in the session-level dictionary.
    • You can keep doping data in a separate file (e.g., doping_layers.yaml) and load it once.

    c) run-sim

    • The main HPC simulation for single or multi-qudit runs.
    • --multi toggles multi-qudit approach; --size picks how many HPC qudits.
    • --trials sets the random gating iterations.
    • The output is a single line like Fidelity => 0.310.

    d) parallel-sweep

    • Param sweep for HPC dimension ∈ [3..n] and protection level ∈ [3..m].
    • You define these combos in a YAML (like big_sweep.yaml), including concurrency, doping, and noise.
    • Results are shown line by line, then optionally saved to JSON.

    e) plot-coherence

    • Takes a config, calculates the five HPC protection levels (1–5), and plots their HPC-based coherence times.
    • Saved to coherence_plot.png.

    f) ml-optimize

    • Minimal HPC-based machine learning approach.
    • Repeats HPC runs for a given number of episodes, searching for the highest fidelity found.
    • Good for automated HPC tuning or “best possible approach” within random gates.

    g) distribute-sweep

    • Splits dimension–protection combos among HPC “clusters” or nodes.
    • Doesn’t do concurrency itself; simply prints distribution of combos.
    • For HPC use if you want to manually assign tasks across multiple nodes.

    h) glitch-image

    • A visually interesting subcommand that applies HPC doping-layers logic and random HPC gates to each block of an image, producing “glitch-art.”
    • Example usage:
      python glitch-image \
         -i input.jpg -o out.png \
         --dimension 4 --protection 5 \
         --block-size 8 --noise-model random_telegraph \
         --doping 0.07 --randomize
    • Lower dimension and protection might produce subtle changes, while higher dimension or doping randomization can yield extreme glitch patterns.

Example Scenarios

  1. Basic Single Qudit

    python run-sim --config my_run.yaml --trials 100

    This loads HPC config from my_run.yaml, sets dimension/protection from it, and does 100 random gating cycles. The final fidelity is displayed as a float.

  2. Parallel Sweep

    python parallel-sweep --config big_sweep.yaml

    Suppose big_sweep.yaml enumerates param_dims: [3,4,5,6] and param_prots: [3,4,5]. This command calculates HPC fidelity for each dimension–protection pair, printing lines like:

    Dim=3 Prot=3 Fidelity=0.325

    The results may be saved to a JSON file if param_output is set in the YAML.

  3. Image Glitch

    python glitch-image -i cityscape.jpg -o glitched_city.png -d 4 -p 3 --block-size 8 --noise-model=1/f
    • Splits the image into 8×8 pixel blocks, each block viewed as HPC qudit dimension=4, protection=3.
    • Applies HPC doping-layers and gates.
    • Saves final glitch art to glitched_city.png.

Reading the Results

  1. Fidelity

    • The code’s HPC “fidelity” is the fraction of times the HPC measure yields outcome=0. Higher means fewer HPC-like errors.
    • Large dimension or doping can degrade fidelity, especially at moderate HPC protection.
  2. Plot Coherence

    • You see how doping and HPC temperature reduce or scale your HPC coherence times across levels 1–5. If doping is intense, the HPC lines can drastically shift downward.
  3. Glitch Image

    • Larger dimension, stronger doping randomization => more intense color shifts.
    • People can visually see HPC-based random gating as glitch patterns.

Advice for Professionals

  • HPC Concurrency
    If your HPC cluster or local 8-core machine is powerful, set concurrency: 8 in your YAML so parallel-sweep spawns 8 processes. This drastically cuts run time for big param sweeps.

  • Slurm
    If you set use_slurm: true, the script can generate a .slurm file for HPC queue submission. Tweak job_name, slurm_time, slurm_nodes, slurm_ntasks.

  • ML Pipeline
    For HPC-coded random approaches, ml-optimize is a start. You could integrate RL or other HPC-based ML steps, building on the minimal structure provided.

Advice for Students

  • Learn HPC
    This tool teaches concurrency and HPC param sweeps in a quantum-inspired context—not actual quantum computing, but the code structure is realistic for HPC tasks.

  • Experiment

    • Swap noise models (gaussian, 1/f, random_telegraph) to see how HPC fidelity changes.
    • Adjust doping in a YAML to watch how HPC doping-layers shift results.
  • Explore the Glitch Command

    • Even outside HPC concurrency, the glitch subcommand is a creative gateway to see HPC doping-layers produce chaotic transformations on images.

The HPC quantum-inspired CLI is a classical toolset that merges doping-layers, random HPC gating, concurrency, and minimal error correction. Professionals can harness concurrency to run broad param sweeps or doping-layers explorations on HPC clusters, while students can enjoy toggling dimension/protection for moderate local runs, possibly generating glitch art. The code’s fidelity outputs, doping-layers logic, advanced noise, and image transformations unify into a single HPC environment that’s flexible yet best used with an understanding of HPC concurrency and (simulated) quantum-like processes.

Below is a complete engineering breakdown of the code, focusing on its architecture, key components, and functionality. I’ll ignore trivialities (e.g., basic Python syntax, standard library imports) and focus on the core engineering aspects.

1. Core Architecture

The code is structured as a command-line interface (CLI) tool with a modular design. It uses the following key components:

  • CLI Framework: Built using the click library for command-line argument parsing.
  • Simulation Core: Implements quantum-inspired HPC simulations using classes like HPCConfig, HPCMFT, HPCQudit, and HPCMultiQuditRegister.
  • Noise Models: Implemented in the HPCAdvancedNoise class.
  • Data Management: Handles session data, logging, and file I/O using dictionaries and JSON/YAML files.
  • Concurrency: Supports multiprocessing for parallel parameter sweeps and Slurm integration for HPC clusters.
  • Visualization: Generates plots and glitch-art images using matplotlib and PIL.

2. Key Components

2.1 Constants and Session Data

  • Global Constants:

    • PSI, XI, TAU, EPSILON, PHI, BOLTZMANN, PI are theoretical constants used in the simulation.
    • These constants define the behavior of the quantum-inspired HPC system.
  • Session Data:

    • SESSION_DATA: A dictionary storing runtime configurations like psi_offset, xi_scale, coherence_mult, and layer_params.
    • This allows dynamic adjustments to the simulation without modifying the code.

2.2 Configuration (HPCConfig)

  • Purpose:

    • Encapsulates all simulation parameters (e.g., dimension, protection level, noise model, doping settings).
    • Acts as a central configuration object passed to other components.
  • Key Parameters:

    • dimension: Dimension of the qudit (e.g., 3 for qutrit, 4 for ququad).
    • protection_level: Error correction level (1–5).
    • doping_layers: List of doping layers with concentrations and strengths.
    • noise_model: Type of noise (gaussian, 1/f, random_telegraph).
    • temperature: Thermal energy scale for noise calculations.
    • concurrency: Number of parallel processes for parameter sweeps.
    • use_slurm: Enables Slurm integration for HPC clusters.

2.3 Morphotensorial Field Theory (HPCMFT)

  • Purpose:

    • Implements the theoretical framework for quantum-inspired HPC simulations.
    • Calculates energy levels, coherence times, and doping effects.
  • Key Methods:

    • _calc_levels: Computes protection levels, energy, and coherence times based on doping and noise.
    • Uses constants like PSI, XI, TAU, and EPSILON to derive theoretical values.

2.4 Noise Models (HPCAdvancedNoise)

  • Purpose:

    • Simulates noise in the HPC system, affecting gate operations and coherence.
  • Key Methods:

    • thermal_noise_factor: Computes thermal noise based on Boltzmann's constant and temperature.
    • apply_gate_noise: Applies noise to gate matrices based on the selected noise model:
      • Gaussian: Adds normal-distributed noise.
      • 1/f (flicker): Reduces noise amplitude over time.
      • Random Telegraph: Randomly flips the sign of noise.

2.5 Qudit Simulation (HPCQudit)

  • Purpose:

    • Represents a single qudit (multi-level quantum unit) in the HPC simulation.
  • Key Methods:

    • apply_gate: Applies a noisy gate operation to the qudit's state (rho).
    • measure: Simulates a measurement, collapsing the qudit's state.
    • _maybe_decohere: Simulates decoherence over time.
    • _apply_errors: Applies errors based on the qudit's error rate.
  • State Representation:

    • The qudit's state is represented by a density matrix (rho), initialized to the ground state (|0⟩⟨0|).

2.6 Multi-Qudit Simulation (HPCMultiQuditRegister)

  • Purpose:

    • Represents a register of multiple qudits for parallel simulations.
  • Key Methods:

    • apply_gate_to_all: Applies random gates to all qudits in the register.
    • run_surface_code_checks: Performs surface code error correction on all qudits.
    • measure_all: Measures all qudits and returns the results.

2.7 CLI Commands

The CLI is built using the click library and supports the following commands:

a) show-constants

  • Functionality:
    • Prints theoretical constants and optionally loads doping offsets from a YAML config.

b) inject-data

  • Functionality:
    • Injects doping or HPC environment offsets from a YAML/JSON file into the session data.

c) run-sim

  • Functionality:
    • Runs single or multi-qudit simulations and outputs fidelity.

d) parallel-sweep

  • Functionality:
    • Performs parameter sweeps over dimensions and protection levels.
    • Supports multiprocessing and Slurm integration.

e) plot-coherence

  • Functionality:
    • Plots coherence times for protection levels 1–5.

f) ml-optimize

  • Functionality:
    • Repeats HPC runs to find the highest fidelity, simulating a minimal ML pipeline.

g) distribute-sweep

  • Functionality:
    • Splits dimension–protection combos across clusters or nodes.

h) glitch-image

  • Functionality:
    • Applies HPC doping and random gates to image blocks, producing glitch art.

2.8 Concurrency and Slurm Integration

  • Multiprocessing:

    • The parallel-sweep command uses the multiprocessing.Pool class to parallelize parameter sweeps.
    • Each process runs a simulation for a specific dimension–protection combo.
  • Slurm Integration:

    • The slurm_submit function generates a Slurm script for HPC cluster submission.
    • Parameters like job_name, slurm_time, slurm_nodes, and slurm_ntasks are customizable.

2.9 Data Management and Logging

  • Session Data:

    • Stored in the SESSION_DATA dictionary and updated via CLI commands.
    • Persisted to JSON/YAML files for reuse.
  • Logging:

    • Simulation results and logs are saved to JSONL files in the research_data directory.
    • Each log entry includes a timestamp and relevant metadata.

2.10 Visualization

  • Coherence Plot:

    • Generated using matplotlib and saved as coherence_plot.png.
  • Glitch Art:

    • Created by applying HPC doping and random gates to image blocks using the PIL library.

3. Workflow

  1. Configuration:

    • Users define simulation parameters in a YAML file or via CLI arguments.
    • Doping layers, noise models, and protection levels are configured.
  2. Simulation:

    • The run-sim or parallel-sweep command executes the simulation.
    • Qudits are initialized, gates are applied, and measurements are performed.
  3. Output:

    • Fidelity results are printed or saved to JSON files.
    • Coherence plots and glitch-art images are generated.

4. Engineering Highlights

  • Extensibility:

    • New noise models, doping effects, or CLI commands can be added without disrupting existing functionality.
  • Performance:

    • Multiprocessing and Slurm integration enable efficient parameter sweeps on HPC clusters.
  • Visualization:

    • The glitch-image command provides a creative application of the simulation logic.


a cli to learn advanced concepts






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