An extension that adds crunchyroll comments functinality back.
This is an extension which replicates the comments on crunchyroll for how they used to look like (mostly).
This is still a WIP and more features are on the way.
- Reviews (most likely in v1.0.0)
- Replying to a comment (after v0.1.5)
liking a comment(included in v0.0.5)Disliking a comment (in prog)(included in v0.0.5)edit comment(included in v0.0.5)delete comment(included in v0.0.5)Reporting a CommentCustom comment badges(included in v0.0.5)comment automoderation (malicous viruses, spam, etc)(included in v0.0.5)safe mode (client size only filter)(being moved to server side) (included in v0.0.5 (client side version))Episode syntax highlighting (ex: 00:01 jumps you to the first second of the video) (maybe comming)(included in v0.0.5)
Reddit post about removal of comments
^ all css is sourced from there
this extension connects only to
The data being transfered when your creating when a comment is:
- ID (crunchyroll acc identifier) (CANNOT be used to login/hack) note: this will be used later to make sure u can edit/delete your own comments so i would recommend not sharing it
- Username (for comments)
- Avatar (for comments)