Welcome to GotoFonction! This script is a little function that allow you to moove quickly between different favorite directories. It is a really light script which is pretty usefull if you doesn't like (like me) to have 46 shells open at the same time.
In fact, it was just a dumb shell script untill a friend of mine tells me :
- Hey! That's pretty cool, push it to GitHub pls!
- Oh, why not
Then I got some PRs with good improvements so... Here we are ;)
clone it:
git clone https://github.com/Nephylhim/gotoFonction.git
add source to your .whateverYouUseRC (already tested with bash/zsh):
source ~/path/to/gotoFonction/gotoFct.sh
source your bashrc/zshrc:
source ~/.bashrc
source ~/.zshrc
BTW I recommand you to add this incredible alias to your bashrc/zshrc: echo "alias resource='source ~/.zshrc'" >> ~/.zshrc
(example with zsh)
Here you go buddy!
Use Help (soon in english):
goto -h
Add a favorite directory:
goto -a <alias> <pwd>
goto -a gotoFct /home/$USER/myScripts/gotoFonction
If you're in the gotoFct dir (same result):
goto -a gotoFct
List your favorite directories:
goto -l
Remove a favorite directory:
goto -r <alias>
Feel free to contribute by open issues, open pull requests or even discuss with me ;)
This isn't a big project and I want it to be a friendly project.
See ya!
Yeah, the name is GotoFonction. I'm french, I pushed it quickly and function is in French. Can you handle it?