Inofficial ChilloutVR UI modification which changes the layout and adds some small quality of life features/fixes.
This version supports the gameversion "2022r167p1"!
Use the automatic installer from Milchzocker found Here
In the first prompt press 'N' and 'Enter'
In the second prompt press 'S' and 'Enter'
Download this repo by clicking on Code->"Download Zip" and put all the files in the zip in your ChilloutVR game folder under "ChilloutVR_Data\StreamingAssets\Cohtml\UIResources\CVRTest". Replace the existing files there with the new ones. (Example path where do put the files: "D:\Steamgames\steamapps\common\ChilloutVR\ChilloutVR_Data\StreamingAssets\Cohtml\UIResources\CVRTest")
UI Color can be customized ingame
(Disabled friends module right now because of some errors showing up) Reordered friends based on online status and name and made the whole friend image clickable to open the details page. (Obvious visual change for online/offline)
Local world favourites using the already implemented favourite button on the world details page to quickly find a world you wanna revisit. (Only in until the official world favouriting is in the game!)
For custom background image, place the image with the filename "background.png" next to your dasui.css file. (Folder should be this "ChilloutVR\ChilloutVR_Data\StreamingAssets\Cohtml\UIResources\CVRTest")
Support for DjShinters VideoRemote which can be found here:
If you found a bug or have a good idea for the UI, feel free to use the issues system on github or contact me on discord (Nera#0809)
All Rights for the ChilloutVR UI belong to AlphaBlendInteractive. This is only meant to be active until the UI update is out. After that I will focus more on custom UI apps for it.