It’s a project to manage the version of products where the user can do the operation of CRUD. However, the user can go to a specific version of a product with all the characteristics of it. In other hand, the system support multilanguage with I18n in Spanish and English. The porpoise of if is for a test to AI Logic.
- Change the UI of the interface from English to Spanish.
- To be able to take the registration of a product to the state that was in version N of this.
- View the records of the product table in a grid with paging.
- View the detail of a particular record.
- To be able to filter in the grid by brand, price, seller and cost.
To start up the application you can go to
and if you want to test the API go to
. In case you want to run the app locally you can clone the repository. Then you can install the npm
dependencies in fronted. Next, open backend project in VS and run update-database
in package manage console to generate the database. Finally, you run both projects the frontend with ng serve -o
in the terminal and the backend clicking the green button in the top of the IDE or pressing F5
in your keyboard.