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Releases: NextDotID/relation_server


24 Aug 13:11
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v1.0.0-rc1 Pre-release

Main features

  • Query identitys in following platform s:
    • twitter
    • ethereum
    • nextid (which means ProofService)
    • keybase
    • github
    • NFTs under ethereum, including:
      • ENS
      • All ERC20
      • All ERC721
      • All ERC1155
  • Query these identitys with following data upstreams:
    • sybil
    • keybase
    • nextid (which means ProofService)
    • rss3
    • knn3
    • cyberconnect
    • ethLeaderboard
    • the_graph
      • Currently used for ENS NFTs only.
    • rpc_server
      • Used for ENS NFTs only.
  • Merge all query results as a identity relation tree.
  • Auto re-fetch outdated data during a query.
  • Provide a GraphQL API.